Visualizer of clients and transactions
This repository contains code for the web interface of GOODFOOD application. In this link you can see code for backend
Get data from external sources and format it to store in a graph-based database
- Products
- Clients
- Transactions
List all clients of the platform
Get information about a specific client by his ID
- Transactions history
- Other clients using the same IP
- Recommendations about products that other people also buy
Create a web interface to visualize the data
- Select a date to load data from
- List all clients
- See information about specific client
This section allows you to select a date from which you want to load the data. By default the application load data for the current day.
When the process to load data have finish you can see the message according the case. "Data loaded" for successful response.
Here you can see the list of all buyers in the platform. If you click over a item the application show the page of buyer detail.
This page show the detail of a buyer and his transactions history. Also you can see a list of IP's used by the buyer and a sub-list of people that make transactions from the same IP. In the right side of the page you can see a list of top 10 products recommended to the current client in based of people that buy similar products.
- Go
- Chi Router
- DGraph
- Vue and Vuetify
Before starting be sure you follow the steps described to run the back-end for this application
Clone this repository:
git clone
Navigate into your new folder and install dependencies:
cd vuefood
npm install
Compiles and hot-reloads for development
npm run serve
Compiles for production
npm run build
Lint and fixes files
npm run lint