This project follows Problem Set 3 of MIT 6.005, which uses ANTLR for parser generation. This system does not support additional operators such as "^", "-", and "/", and does not support "e" notation.
To compile and run the project in command line, run the following commands (assuming we are at the root directory: new-expressivo/)
javac -d bin/ -cp lib/antlr.jar src/expressivo/*.java src/expressivo/parser/*.java
cd bin
java -cp ../lib/antlr.jar:. expressivo.Main
(Information here is copied directly from the pset assignment website)
In this system, a user can enter either an expression or a command.
An expression is a polynomial consisting of:
- + and * (for addition and multiplication)
- nonnegative numbers in decimal representation, which consist of digits and an optional decimal point (e.g. 7 and 4.2 )
- variables, which are case-sensitive nonempty sequences of letters (e.g. y and Foo )
- parentheses (for grouping)
Order of operations uses the standard PEMDAS rules.
Space characters around symbols are irrelevant and ignored, so 2.3*pi means the same as 2.3 * pi . Spaces may not occur within numbers or variables, so 2 . 3 * p i is not a valid expression.
When the user enters an expression, that expression becomes the current expression and is echoed back to the user:
> x * x * x
> x + x * x * y + x
x + x*x*y + x
A command starts with "!" . The command operates on the current expression, and may also update the current expression. Valid commands:
d/d var
produces the derivative of the current expression with respect to the variable var , and updates the current expression to that derivative
simplify var 1 = num 1 ... var n = num n
substitutes num i for var i in the current expression, and evaluates it to a single number if the expression contains no other variables; does not update the current expression
Entering an invalid expression or command prints an error but does not update the current expression.
To exit, type enter or return.
> x * x * x
> !simplify x=2
> !d/dx
> !simplify x=0.5000
> x * y
> !d/dy