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🌎 Motivation

Start Call of Duty 2 server from nothing with just 2 commands and 3 minutes waiting. 🤩

Setting up Call of Duty 2 server requires a lot of configuration and can be a pain. Use this repo to automate process of provisioning and configuring. It utilizes terraform and does everything for you. The CoD2 server will be launched inside docker. The docker image used is maintained here: cod2-docker.

Thanks a lot to whole community for open-source developing. 🥰

🚀 Features

  1. Creates key pair and stores locally
  2. Configures AWS security groups
  3. Creates EC2 instance
  4. Performs initalization on provided machine
  5. Installs required packages like: aws cli, unzip
  6. Setups docker engine and docker-compose
  7. Creates structure for CoD2 servers
  8. Syncs S3 bucket with CoD2 server files
  9. Setups files so you can run either 1.0, 1.2 and 1.3 version
  10. Provides docker-compose files
  11. Starts reverse-proxy
  12. Configures CoD2 FastDL for reverse-proxy
  13. Starts MySQL server
  14. Starts phpmyadmin service
  15. Starts sample CoD2 server

📝 Pre-requirements

  • terraform CLI
  • AWS account (aws_access_key_id + aws_secret_access_key with S3 reader permission)
  • CoD2 server files uploaded to S3, bucket should look like this:
S3 bucket
├── 1_0
│   ├── iw_00.iwd
│   ├── iw_01.iwd
│   ├── iw_02.iwd
│   ├── (...)
│   ├── iw_13.iwd
│   ├── iw_14.iwd
│   └── localized_english_iw99.iwd
└── 1_3
    └── iw_15.iwd

localized_english_iw99.iwd comes from this IzNoGoD's post

🤷🏻‍♂️ How to use?

You have two options:

Option A: You have nothing set up - provide whole insfrastructure, install required packages, configure, deploy and run CoD2 servers.

Option B: You already have clean VPS machine - do everything above without creating new infrastructure

😌 Option A: CoD2 as code approach

terraform apply # See description below

# SSH connect
# MySQL connect

To get the reverse-proxy (fastdl and phpmyadmin) working remember to configure DNS A record for subdomains and

🖥️ Option B: Configure existing VPS

  1. Create key for accessing server (skip if already exists)
export COD2_AS_CODE_KEY_NAME=mykey

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -b 2048 -f ~/.ssh/$COD2_AS_CODE_KEY_NAME -N "" # Generate the key
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/$ ubuntu@$COD2_AS_CODE_SERVER_ADDRESS # Copy the key to the machine
  1. Upload the necessary scripts on the machine
sudo scp -r -i ~/.ssh/$COD2_AS_CODE_KEY_NAME ./setup/* ubuntu@$COD2_AS_CODE_SERVER_ADDRESS:~

Expected structure:

├── lamp
│   ├── docker-compose.yml.envsubst
│   └── html
│       └── index.php
├── reverse-proxy
│   ├── docker-compose.yml
│   └── nginx.conf.envsubst
├── scripts
│   ├── parts
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   └──
└── servers
    └── nl-example
        ├── nl
        │   ├── sample_fx.iwd
        │   └── server.cfg.envsubst
        └── docker-compose.yml
  1. Run following commands
ssh -i ~/.ssh/$COD2_AS_CODE_KEY_NAME ubuntu@$COD2_AS_CODE_SERVER_ADDRESS # Connect to the machine

# Run the setup script if you want to get server files from your S3 (fully automatic installation)
~/scripts/ \
    --mysql_root_password=changemeplease \
    --aws_access_key_id=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA \
    --s3_bucket_name=s3://cod2-server-files \
    --s3_bucket_region=eu-central-1 \ \ # Used for Let's encrypt SSL cert retrieval

# Or else upload CoD2 base server files using FTP (part manual installation)
~/scripts/ \
    --mysql_root_password=changemeplease \ \ # Used for Let's encrypt SSL cert retrieval

# SSH connect
# MySQL connect
  1. Secure your server

This is optional but highly recommended. Ensure you enable traffic only to services that you want to expose.

sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw default allow outgoing
sudo ufw allow ssh
sudo ufw allow http
# sudo ufw allow 3307/tcp # MySQL / uncomment this line if you want to allow for remote access
sudo ufw allow 28960:28980/tcp # CoD2 servers TCP
sudo ufw allow 28960:28980/udp # CoD2 servers UDP
echo "y" | sudo ufw enable
sudo ufw status

Connection to phpmyadmin or fastdl is not open by default because the traffic will go throught reverse-proxy. Connection to mysql is not open by default because services running on the server will comunicate with it using localhost network.

To get the reverse-proxy (fastdl and phpmyadmin) working remember to configure DNS A record for subdomains and It's recommended to also configure a firewall.

🆕 Updating or creating CoD2 servers

You can use this repo also for creating new servers and uploading the newest version of your mod. Let's say you want to update nl-example server. Place all the files that you want inside setup/servers/nl-example. Then run the command ./scripts/ nl-example.

Remember changes applied to CoD servers are applied after map restart. To do it use RCON command rcon map_rotate. If you however need to restart the whole server you can do it by firstly connecting to the machine with ./scripts/ and then navigating to the folder cd ~/cod2/servers/nl-example and executing docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d.

🙋🏻‍♂️ What's the structure after installation

├── cod2
│   ├── Library
│   ├── main
│   │   ├── 1_0
│   │   │   ├── iw_00.iwd
│   │   │   ├── iw_01.iwd
│   │   │   ├── iw_02.iwd
│   │   │   ├── (...)
│   │   │   ├── iw_13.iwd
│   │   │   ├── iw_14.iwd
│   │   │   └── localized_english_iw99.iwd
│   │   └── 1_3
│   │       ├── iw_00.iwd
│   │       ├── iw_01.iwd
│   │       ├── iw_02.iwd
│   │       ├── (...)
│   │       ├── iw_14.iwd
│   │       ├── iw_15.iwd
│   │       └── localized_english_iw99.iwd
│   └── servers
│       └── nl-example
│           ├── docker-compose.yml
│           └── nl
│               ├── maps
│               │   └── mp
│               │       └── gametypes
│               │           └── tdm.gsc
│               ├── sample_fx.iwd
│               └── server.cfg.envsubst
├── lamp
│   ├── docker-compose.yml
│   └── html
│       └── index.php
├── reverse-proxy
│   ├── docker-compose.yml
│   └── nginx.conf
└── scripts
    ├── parts
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   └──

💽 Database restore

After everything is created you can restore your database using this command.

mysql -h -P 3307 -u root -p'changemeplease' --database=db < backup.sql

⏱️ Crontab

Enable servers at VPS startup and create schedule for database backup.

cat << EOF > mycron
@reboot bash -c 'cd /home/ubuntu/db && docker-compose up -d'
@reboot bash -c 'cd /home/ubuntu/phpmyadmin && docker-compose up -d'
@reboot bash -c 'cd /home/ubuntu/reverse-proxy && docker-compose up -d'
@reboot bash -c '/home/ubuntu/cod2/servers/nl-cod2-zom/ detach'
0 3 * * * /home/ubuntu/db/
0 3 * * 2 bash -c 'cd /home/ubuntu/reverse-proxy && docker-compose run --rm certbot && docker-compose exec -T reverse-proxy nginx -s reload'
crontab mycron
rm mycron

🛣️ Roadmap

  • ✅ [terraform] - Enable communication with server using Security Groups
  • ✅ [terraform] - Generate key for accessing server with SSH
  • ✅ [terraform] - Extend the default storage for EC2
  • ✅ [] - Create script, with required arguments
  • ✅ [] - Install required libs for libcod compilation, compile libcod
  • ✅ [] - Sync CoD2 files with S3
  • ✅ [terraform] - Execute script on remote machine
  • ✅ [] - Create script, with required parameters
  • ✅ [] - Initalize server files - copy from outside source
  • ✅ [] - Add support for 1.3 version
  • ✅ [] - Create structure for project
  • ✅ [terraform] - Copy to remote instance
  • ✅ [terraform] - Execute on remote instance
  • ✅ [docker] - Run server inside Docker instead of screen
  • ✅ [docker] - Install LAMP stack
  • ✅ [docker] - Configure FastDL
  • ✅ [] - Create script for syncing new version of server
  • ✅ [libcod] - Change voron00 to zk version of libcod
  • ✅ [docker] - Install reverse-proxy, add subdomain configuration for FastDL and phpmyadmin
  • ✅ [] - Dynamic domain setup
  • ✅ [docker] - certbot with automatic SSL certificate
  • ✅ [docker] - CoD2 health checks, auto restarts in case of failure
  • ✅ [docker] - CoD2 master-server registration in swarm mode


Automate the way CoD2 server is provided.






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