I've written some matrix-related functions into CUDA/kdb+ C API code, calling CUDA code from q via a shared object, to exploit the speed of GPU hardware. I was originally trying to find faster matrix multiply, for neural network/convolutional neural network training (which I plan to talk about at a future Kx meetup, hopefully this year). Nick Psaris gave me the idea of trying to integrate cuBLAS in his KxCon machine-learning presentation.
The CUDA functions are:
: the standard algorithm for shortest paths between all nodescreditmatrix
: a different take on shortest paths, given a credit matrix (the max credit that a counterparty can trade with another), what is the max possible credit between all counterparties going via alternate paths)gpu_mmu
: a cuBLAS version of matrix multiply
All of my functions were written and tested using a Tesla K80 GPU.
Floyd-Warshall and credit-matrix functions on a GPU server seem to give a speed-up of 10× over the best kdb+ code I’ve seen running on a conventional processor, (a slightly slimmer version of) http://code.kx.com/q/cookbook/shortestpath/:
// floyd-warshall k and q equivalent, benefits from slaves, credit matrix is very similar
k){x&.Q.fc[{(min y+)'x}[+x]';x]}
q){x&.Q.fc[{(min y+)each x}[flip x]each;x]}
Matrix multiplication on a GPU server is significantly faster too, 10× faster than even qml:
// cuda BLAS requires flat input matrices, so have aflat and bflat for that input
// for my use cases, this is actually a good thing as I often need to flatten/reshape before/after
// 2 matrices, a (1000x2000) and b(2000x3000)
q) a:1000 2000#aflat:2000000?10f
q) b:2000 3000#bflat:6000000?10f
q)\t flatres:.gpu.mm[aflat;1000;2000;bflat;2000;3000]
time to allocate host and device array mems: 1.358000ms
time to copy inputs to GPU: 9.041000ms
time to perform cublas matrix multiply: 0.024000ms
time to copy result from GPU back to host: 3.494000ms
As you can see, the actual matrix multiply was almost immeasurable (0.00002), but it spent about 15 milis transporting the data to and from the GPU, and I guess a bit of time preparing things around it.
As a comparison, here’s the latest V3.5 native mmu
, and qml’s mm
q)\t res2:mmu[a;b]
/ using qml
q)\t res3:.qml.mm[a;b]
// cublas returns column-major matrix, so if you want to compare, need to reshape/invert
// (I have a c func for this too which helps)
q)res2~flip 3000 1000#flatres
Here’s a more detailed comparison of the Floyd-Warshall algo, running on various versions. Note that my GPU server only has one CPU, hence I can’t run any slaves on it, and my server with multiple CPUs has no GPU on it.
function | 2000x2000 GPU server 0 slaves | 2000x2000 on fast box+6 slaves | 4000x4000 GPU server 0 slaves | 4000x4000 fast box+6 slaves |
bridge | wsfull | 46274 32833633920 | wsfull | didn't try |
bridge1 | 17568 65650480 | 6225 32833952 | didnt' try | 51735 131203488 |
bridge2 | 13365 49250400 | 3446 32826032 | 134495 196802624 | 33971 131187376 |
bridgec | 8202 592 | 7341 592 | 75727 592 | 106828 592 |
bridgecuda | 388 592 | n/a | 2890 592 | n/a |
where the functions are
bridge2:k){x&.Q.fc[{(min y+)'x}[+x]';x]}
bridgec: c version of cuda func (.so object loaded into kdb)
bridgecuda:cuda func
To compile these, I’ve just been using:
$ cat makeqcuda.sh
# e.g. $./makeqcuda floydwarshall
nvcc --compiler-options '-fPIC -DKXVER=3 -O2' -o $QHOME/l64/$1.so --shared $1.cu
# or for matrix multiply/cuBLAS stuff
nvcc --compiler-options '-fPIC -DKXVER=3 -O2' -o $QHOME/l64/$1.so --shared -lcurand -lcublas $1.cu
Load into q like a C object:
// read in cuda func using 2:
q)creditcuda:`creditmatrix 2:(`gpu_creditmatrix;1)
// q func
q)creditq:{x&.Q.fc[{(min y+)each x}[flip x]each;x]}
// 4 million element input matrix (cuda expects flat version)
q)m2:2000 2000#m:40000000?100i
// q version (I had no slaves available on my gpu server, so this should be faster)
q)\t creditq/[m2]
// cuda version
q)\t res2:creditcuda m
q) res2~raze res
If anyone has any suggestions/improvements, please let me know, either with a GitHub comment or email rspa9428@gmail.com