Here're some of the project's best features:
- Top Headlines: Allows users to view the top headlines news articles.
- Search News: enables users to search for specific news articles.
- News by Country: Provides an option to filter news articles based on the selected country.
- News by Language: Offers the ability to filter news articles based on the selected language.
- Offline First Implementation: Implements a caching mechanism to store news articles locally. Allows users to access previously viewed news articles even when offline.
- Paging Implementation: Implements pagination for efficient loading of large sets of news articles.
- Scheduled News Fetching with WorkManager: Uses WorkManager to schedule a background job for fetching news articles Initiates the fetching of the latest news articles during the scheduled time.
- Testing Implementation: Utilizes Mockito framework for writing unit tests. Utilizes JUnit Compose for UI testing within the Jetpack Compose framework.
1. Clone the Repository
git clone
cd NewsApp
Technologies used in the project:
- Jetpack Compose: Modern Android UI toolkit for building native UIs.
- Compose Navigation: Navigation library for Jetpack Compose.
- MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) Architecture: Design pattern for separating concerns in the app architecture.
- Coil: Image loading library for Android.
- Dagger Hilt: Dependency injection library for Android.
- Paging Compose: Jetpack Compose library for handling paginated data.
- Mockito: Mocking framework for writing unit tests in Java and Kotlin.
- JUnit: Testing framework for writing unit tests in Java and Kotlin.
- Room Database: Jetpack library for SQLite database interactions.
- Work Manager: Jetpack library for managing background tasks.
- Kotlin Flow: Asynchronous programming using Kotlin's Flow API.
│ 📄 MainActivity.kt
│ 📄 NewsApplication.kt
│ ├───api
│ │ 📄 ApiKeyInterceptor.kt
│ │ 📄 NetworkService.kt
│ │
│ ├───local
│ │ │ 📄 DataBaseService.kt
│ │ │ 📄 NewsDataBase.kt
│ │ │ 📄 NewsDataBaseService.kt
│ │ │
│ │ ├───dao
│ │ │ 📄 ArticleDao.kt
│ │ │
│ │ └───entity
│ │ 📄 Article.kt
│ │ 📄 Source.kt
│ │
│ ├───model
│ │ 📄 ApiArticle.kt
│ │ 📄 ApiSource.kt
│ │ 📄 Country.kt
│ │ 📄 Language.kt
│ │ 📄 LanguageNewsResponse.kt
│ │ 📄 LanguageSource.kt
│ │ 📄 TopHeadlinesResponse.kt
│ │
│ └───repository
│ 📄 NewsRepo.kt
│ 📄 OfflineArticleRepository.kt
│ 📄 PagingRepository.kt
│ 📄 TopHeadLinesPagingSource.kt
│ ├───modules
│ │ 📄 ApplicationModule.kt
│ │
│ └───qualifiers
│ 📄 Qualifiers.kt
│ ├───base
│ │ 📄 BaseViewModel.kt
│ │ 📄 CommonUi.kt
│ │ 📄 ComposeNavigation.kt
│ │ 📄 Screen.kt
│ │
│ ├───countries
│ │ 📄 CountriesNewsScreen.kt
│ │ 📄 CountriesNewsViewModel.kt
│ │ 📄 CountriesScreen.kt
│ │ 📄 CountriesViewModel.kt
│ │
│ ├───dashboard
│ │ 📄 DashBoardScreen.kt
│ │
│ ├───languages
│ │ 📄 LanguageNewsScreen.kt
│ │ 📄 LanguageNewsViewModel.kt
│ │ 📄 LanguageScreen.kt
│ │ 📄 LanguageViewModel.kt
│ │
│ ├───newssource
│ │ 📄 DirectSourceScreen.kt
│ │ 📄 NewsSourcesScreen.kt
│ │ 📄 SourceViewModel.kt
│ │
│ ├───offline
│ │ 📄 OfflineArticleViewModel.kt
│ │ 📄 OfflineScreen.kt
│ │
│ ├───pagination
│ │ 📄 PagingScreen.kt
│ │ 📄 PagingViewModel.kt
│ │
│ ├───search
│ │ 📄 SearchScreen.kt
│ │ 📄 SearchViewModel.kt
│ │
│ └───topheadline
│ 📄 TopHeadLineScreen.kt
│ 📄 TopHeadLinesViewModel.kt
│ 📄 Constants.kt
│ 📄 DispatcherProvider.kt
│ 📄 Extension.kt
│ 📄 NetworkHelper.kt
│ 📄 UiState.kt
📄 NewsWorker.kt
📄 WorkStatusObserver.kt
Check out additional branches to explore variations of this project that leverage different technologies and implementations. Each branch may showcase unique features and technology stacks. Here are some notable branches:
- Implements dependency injection using Dagger with XML layouts.
- Utilizes Hilt for dependency injection with XML layouts.