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MPT in Python | Efficient Frontier modeling, Fama French 3 Factor Analysis, Monte Carlo Simulations and Portfolio Risk Analysis (Sharpe, VaR)

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Inspired by many specialized ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds: An investment vehicle that pools a group of securities into a fund. It can be traded like an individual stock on an exchange). Creating a basket of stocks with weights for specific investment strategies or weighting criteria beyond traditional market-capitalization indexes and treating them all as a unit.

A portfolio, if selected properly, is less vulnerable to extreme highs and lows, and provides the benefits of diversification.

This project offers optimization and modeling tools for investment strategies. Leveraging Efficient Frontier modeling, Monte Carlo simulation, risk metrics (Sharpe ratio, VaR), and Fama French factor models w/ python libraries like pandas, yfinance, and PyPortfolioOpt.

1. Data Extraction and Portfolio Construction

Utilized yfinance for data retrieval of NSE stocks, obtaining historical price data for a specified date range.

'df' is the DataFrame that contains daily prices of stocks.
'weights' is the array that contains portfolio weights.

returns = df.pct_change()
returns.dropna(inplace = True)

Portfolio construction w/ stock returns

returns_pf =

Portfolio construction w/ stock values

pf_AUM =

2. Risk Analysis - Some Basic Portfolio Risk Metrics

Annualized return

Q. Why annualize returns?

  • To account for compounding effect
  • To compare portfolios with different time periods
  • Average return can be deceiving (example: if portfolio loses all its value in the end the average may be > 0%, but final return is 0%)

Annualizing returns:

total_return = (pf_AUM[-1] - pf_AUM[0]) / pf_AUM[0]
annualized_return = ((1 + total_return) * * (12 / months)) - 1

Annualized Volatility

pf_returns = pf_AUM.pct_change()
pf_vol = pf_returns.std()
pf_vol = pf_vol * np.sqrt(250)

Q. Why multiply with sqrt(250)

250: trading days in a year (annual)
sqrt: variance annualized = 250 * variance daily.
Therefore, standard deviation annualized = sqrt(250) * standard deviation daily.

Risk-adjusted return | Sharpe Ratio | Efficiency of risk taking

sharpe_ratio = ((annualized_return - rfr) / pf_vol)

Portfolio Variance and Volatility

cov_matrix = (returns.cov())*250 
port_variance =,, weights))
port_standard_dev = np.sqrt(port_variance)

View Portfolio Variance derivation

Q. Why annualizing covariance?

so that we calculate the annualized volatility later.

Q. Why portfolio variance formula instead of standard deviation?

Precision: As stocks are correlated to each other, we need to account for correlations b/w stocks. This gives more precision in measuring volatility.
It can be forward looking if covariance matrix is estimated or forecasted.

Q. Benefits of historical method?

Historical data method can include rebalancing.


Skewness measures the asymmetry of the distribution of data around its mean.


Risk management: Investors should seek positive skew as in the long run, few positive bets should create a positive expectancy


Kurtosis measures the "tailedness" of the data distribution, indicating the presence of outliers.


k>3: FAT (leptokurtic) | high risk-high reward

3. Risk Analysis - Value at Risk (VaR)

Finding var95 and cvar95:

var = np.percentile(returns_pf, 5)
cvar = returns_pf [returns_pf <= var].mean()


Monte Carlo Simulation:

Monte Carlo VaR:

View Complete Risk Analysis w/ 15 Portfolio Risk metrics including 5 VaR metrics

4. Factor Investing

The Fama-French 3 factor model tells us what drives portfolio returns and quantifies their contributions.

FamaFrench_model = smf.ols(formula='Portfolio_Excess ~ Market_Excess + SMB + HML', data=FamaFrenchData_final)

Risk management:

  • Identifies exposure to specific factors (size, value)
  • Optimize portfolio by adjusting exposures
  • Evaluate performance


Q. Why not use UFO sightings as a factor?

because there might be a high correlation with their levels but not with their changes so correlation of % change or differences will be close to 0.

5. Portfolio Optimization | Efficient Frontier


Optimal weights


Efficient Frontier


The efficient frontier is the set of portfolios that achieve the highest return for a given risk or the lowest risk for a given return, representing optimal diversification.
View Portfolio Optimization maths

Python libraries:
pandas, numpy, yfinance, matplotlib, pypfopt