Tasks management application with simple UI and API. The application will manage tasks for users that are registered in third party application. Each task can have subtasks and tasks without subtasks have points. That means parent task has a sum of points from subtasks. What is more, if all subtasks of a task are done, then task also is done. If at least one subtask of a task marked as not done then it also becomes not done.
- Laravel
- Vue.js
- Node 12.1.0
- Yarn 1.17.0
- PHP 7.1.13
- clone from git
- cd to project directory
cp .env.example .env
then set mysql credential over there.- run
composer install
- run
php artisan migrate
- run
- run
yarn run production
- Run
php artisan serve
. Now visit in your browser.
Success response code: 201
Request example:
"title":"Task 1",
Response example:
"title":"Task 1",
"created_at":"2020-01-01 00:00:00",
"updated_at":"2020-01-01 00:00:00"
- parent_id: existing task id or null;
- user_id: required and existing user id;
- title: required;
- point: required integer where the minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 10;
- is_done: required integer, 0 or 1;
Success response code: 201
Request example:
"title":"Task 1",
Response example:
"title":"Task 1",
"created_at":"2020-01-01 00:00:00",
"updated_at":"2020-01-01 00:00:00"
- parent_id: existing task id or null;
- user_id: required and existing user id;
- title: required;
- point: required integer where the minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 10;
- is_done: required integer, 0 or 1;
- If validations fail should return 400 status code and return validations messages;
- All other unexpected errors should return the 500 status code
User should be taken from : https://gitlab.iterato.lt/snippets/3/raw
User end point can be configure at .env