This is a package to run Neural Density Estimation using Jax. The training is performed using optax
(documentation available here) and the neural network are created using flax
(see documentation).
The code is meant to provide tools to train Normalizing Flows easily to perform Implicit Likelihood Inference.
Install jaxili
using PyPI
$ pip install jaxili
from jaxili.inference import NPE
First fetch the data you want to train on:
theta, x = ... #Theta corresponds to the parameter to be infered and x to the simulator output given theta.
Then create an inference object, add the simulations and train:
inference = NPE()
inference.append_simulations(theta, x)
learning_rate = ... #Choose your learning rate
num_epochs = ... #Choose the number of epochs
batch_size = ... #Choose the batch size
checkpoint_path = ... #Choose the checkpoint path
checkpoint_path = os.path.abspath(checkpoint_path) #Beware, this should be an absolute path.
metrics, density_estimator = inference.train(
You can then fetch the posterior to sample from it.
posterior = inference.build_posterior()
observation = ... #The observation should have the shape [1, data vector size].
samples = posterior.sample(x=observation, num_samples=..., key=...) #You have to give a PRNGKey and specify the number of samples.
If you want to control the architecture of the network you can use the following code to train e.g. a Masked Autoregressive Flow (MAF).
import jax
import jax.numpy
from jaxili.utils import create_data_loader #To create data loaders
from jaxili.train import TrainerModule #To perform the training
from jaxili.model import ConditionalMAF #The model used to learn the target distribution
from jaxili.loss import loss_nll_npe #Losses to train NFs with different configurations are provided
Given a train, validation and test set, one can create associated data loaders to perform the training.
train_loader, val_loader, test_loader = create_data_loader(
train_set, val_set, test_set,
train = [True, False, False],
You can then specify hyperparameters for your training
CHECKPOINT_PATH = ... #Path to save the weights of your neural network
loss_fn = loss_nll_npe
model_hparams_maf = {
'n_in': dim_theta,
'n_cond': dim_obs,
'n_layers': 5,
'layers': [50, 50],
'activation': jax.nn.relu,
'use_reverse': True,
'seed' : 42
optimizer_hparams = { #hyperparameters of the optimizer for training
'lr': 5e-4,
'optimizer_name': 'adam'
logger_params = {
'base_log_dir': CHECKPOINT_PATH
check_val_every_epoch = 1
debug = False
nde_class= "NPE"
A TrainerModule
object can then be created to train the Neural Network:
trainer_maf_npe = TrainerModule(
#Train the Neural Density Estimator
metrics_maf_npe = trainer_maf_npe.train_model(
train_loader, val_loader, test_loader=test_loader, num_epochs=500, patience=20
The trained model can then be used to sample from or compute the log-probability of the learned distribution:
model_maf_npe = trainer_maf_npe.bind_model()
key, jax.random.PRNGKey(0)
samples_maf_npe = model_maf_npe.sample(
observation, num_samples=10000, key=key
log_prob = model_maf_npe.apply(params, samples_maf_npe, observation, method="log_prob")