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Melissa edited this page Jul 22, 2013 · 23 revisions


Welcome to the SAGA-BigJob Tutorial!

This tutorial will be delivered in three parts. In Part I we will cover the basics of the pilot-abstraction including why you might want to use pilot-jobs, and then introduce BigJob -- a simple, extensible and interoperable pilot-job system. Part II is a hands on session, where we will first introduce you to SAGA -- the interoperability layer of BigJob, and then walk you through some simple but powerful examples of running multiple simulations concurrently. In Part III we will discuss some examples of how scientists are using BigJob (and showcase right here at XSEDE'13) and how thanks to the underlying design, interface and capabilities of BigJob are able to scale in muliple-dimensions.

Part I:

Part II

This is a "hands-on" session. We expect everyone will have one of the following: (i) access to a linux based machine (e.g., laptop), and/or (ii) access/accounts on the XSEDE infrastructure. (We will provide you with access information onto Stampede (TACC resource))

II-A: SAGA Track

II-B BigJob Track

  • BigJob is a Pilot Job and Data Management System.
  • Learn the basics of job submission and file transfer by going through the BigJob Tutorial
  • The tutorial will be performed on a TACC VM and jobs will be submitted to Stampede.
  • For more information after the tutorial, you can continue learning about BigJob through our documentation

Test Your Tutorial Account

Use SSH to log into your tutorial account (Windows users can use PuTTY. Please use the username / password combination that appear on this page and correspond to the number we gave you.

ssh <username>

Once logged-in, make sure that you can log-in to Stampede:

ssh /bin/date

If successful, the results of this command should correspond to today's date and time, as follows:

Mon Jul 22 11:00:00 CDT 2013


If you are having any troubles with your login at this point, please bring this to the attention of the presenters.

Relevant URLs

The following URLs correspond to the main saga-project websites. It may be helpful to visit these websites after the tutorial is over, for your reference.

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