A simple chat application using node, express, passport and socket.io
- Clone/Fork the repo in your workspace
- install the dependancies using
npm install
- run your mongodb server and change configuration at config/db.js if applicable
- run command
npm start
to start the server
- Node + Express framework for faster & easily server creation and configuration
- Mongoose ODM for storing and retrieving data and schema validation
- EJS templates for view rendering and dynamic content
- Winston for logging purpose
- Passport for simple authentication using local strategy
- Socket.io for real time client-server communication
- start the server using
npm start
- Redirect to
or default path and register (or login whichever is applicable) - On Successful login, You will be redirect to Rooms page.
- You can create the new room and join that. Or you can join existing room by clicking list of active room
- Join any room, start chatting with room users