🔭 I’m currently working on ChatApp.
🌱 I’m currently learning Backend Services
💬 Ask me about Flutter, Firebase... or anything here
⚡ Fun fact Game of Thrones Night's Watch cloaks are made from Ikea rugs
🔭 I’m currently working on ChatApp.
🌱 I’m currently learning Backend Services
💬 Ask me about Flutter, Firebase... or anything here
⚡ Fun fact Game of Thrones Night's Watch cloaks are made from Ikea rugs
Hey! This an app that can trake your personal weekly expence and summaries the weekly money you have spend. Hope you like it.
C++ 1
Hey! I have created a mobile application for ordering an coffee or shakes
Dart 1
Hey! I have created a mobile application for ordering an groceries which are used in everyday life.
C++ 1