Submission for Team Abhiyaan (hehe I got in)
Name : Saiharan R
Roll number : EE21B116
Previous Experience :
1. Experienced in using Arduinos.
2. Intership at Reap Benefit in 10th grade for using small tech to make a big difference to the environment.
3. Attempts at making a Maze Solving robot using simple Ultrasonic sensors (Arduino, not ROS)(Infosys Tech event, Bangalore, 10th grade).
4. Completed all tasks for Techsoc Electronics competition on TinkerCad.
5. Fluent in Python and C. Periods of experience in the past with C++, HTML, CSS, JS.
Current PORs :
1. Associate Manager, E-Cell Web and Mobile Operations
2. Mentee, Avanti Fellowship
Why I want to work in the team :
Autonomous driving is simply put, the upcoming future, and I believe that building my expertise in a matter that is both relevant to the market and interesting for me is just a deal I can't resist. And who doesn't like winning a competition.
Relevant courses :
None as of now, hopefully more if and once I join the team. PS: I do most of my learning from stackoverflow and other forums, so it's hard to put it as a course
Other Relevant Things : I kinda like learning stuff on the go, which means I absolutely LOVED attempting this application. I never knew I'd be able to learn OpenCV , ROS and turtlesim in like a weeks time, tho it was turtlesim that ate most of it xD. Not to mention, read a reasearch paper too
Did you attempt bonus questions:
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. No
Bash Scripts:
ROS TurtleSim:
ROS Basics: