This course is designed for library associated folks who have never used python or any programming language before, but are interested in learning some of the basics, as well as seeing what it can do to help manage metadata!
These tutorials will be using Python 3.9 inside the Jupyter Notebook. You can run python through a Jupyter notebook by either, using a free cloud service (easier option), or installing Python and jupyter notebooks on your own machine (harder option)
Not sure if you want to go through the hassle of installing python? Then You can run this repository on a cloud instance, and try before you buy (Note Python is still free though)!
There are two ways to do this. One is to open up the repository in Binder, a free cloud machine that will allow you to run all the notebooks. Click on the "launch binder" button below to create your own personal jupyter cloud machine!
(Note: If you do not run a code cell for 15 minutes, the session will time out and you will have to click on this button again)
The other option is to use a google collaboratory notebook (aka "google collab"), which is essentially the google docs of Jupyter notebooks. Buttons to open up the four parts of our workshop can be found in the table below.
Check out the installation instructions. Note You do NOT have to do this, by clicking on the "launch binder" button below, you can use a free cloud instance of our repository with everything set up and ready to go!
- How to use a Jupyter notebook
- How to use the basic building blocks of python, including integers, floats, strings, lists, and dictionaries, as well as functions and methods
- How to use two python libraries that are handy for managing spreadsheets and creating Dublin Core XML files.
Skill | time | View | Run in Collab |
Part 1 - An Introduction to Jupyter and Python | 55 min | Click here | |
Short Break 1 | 5 minutes | -- | -- |
Part 2 - fundamentals of python lists | 55 minutes | Click here | |
Long Break | 30 minutes | -- | -- |
Part 3 - storing data in dictionaries | 30 minutes | Click here | |
Short Break 2 | 5 minutes | -- | -- |
Part 4 - Introduction to packages and final exercise | 55 minutes | Click here |