Travee is inspired from Travee is a web Application in which users can find tourist places and review them. Users can also add their own tourist spots along with images and also edit them when required. A map has also been displayed for better searching. I have completely revamped the UI and made it into a light and dark mode for reducing eye strain. It is populated with Indian cities.
- HTML, CSS, Bootsrap v5.0.
- EJS, EJS Mate.
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- MongoDB
- cloudinary
- MapBox
- passport(local-strategy)
- connect-flash
- morgan
- sessions
- User can register and login
- Used Passport for that purpose
- User needs to be logged in to make any change(add,update or delete)
- A user can only alter his posts or reviews
- Tourist spots are marked on a cluster map using Mapbox API
- Client side and server side validations are done
- Images of tourist places are uploaded to Cloudinary
- Images can be added and deleted after creation of tourist spots
- CRUD functions have been implemented on tourist spots
- Flash messages are displayed
- Every tourist spot has it's location displayed seperately on a map
- Application on Heroku.
- Database on MongoDB Atlas.