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Welcome to the Android app for Sala7ly - platform for efficient project management and seamless collaboration. This mobile application serves as the gateway to the core features of the Sala7ly platform, ensuring you have everything you need at your fingertips.

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Screenshot from 2023-09-04 15-33-05

In-App architecture



  • Simple UI
  • PowerFul Animations
  • Tools & APIs

    • MVVM Arch: MVVM stands for Model-View-ViewModel, which is an architectural pattern used in Android development. It separates the application into three main components: Models (data and logic), Views (user interface), and ViewModels (intermediaries that connect Models and Views). MVVM promotes clean and maintainable code.
    • Clean Architecture: Clean Architecture is a design principle that emphasizes the separation of concerns in software development. It divides the application into distinct layers, such as Data, Domain, and Presentation, to ensure code modularity and maintainability.
    • Dependency Injection with Dagger Hilt: Dagger Hilt is a dependency injection framework for Android that simplifies the process of managing and injecting dependencies into your application. It helps make your code more organized and testable.
    • Jetpack Compose: Jetpack Compose is a modern Android UI toolkit that simplifies the process of building user interfaces through a declarative and composable approach. It offers a more intuitive way to create UI components in Android apps.
    • Preference Data Store: Preference Data Store is a modern replacement for SharedPreferences, which allows Android apps to store simple key-value pairs. It provides a more structured and reliable way to manage app preferences.
    • AnimateAsState: AnimateAsState is a component in Jetpack Compose that allows you to create smooth animations in your UI. It's especially useful for creating interactive and visually appealing user interfaces.
    • Visibility Animations: Visibility animations refer to the dynamic transitions or effects applied to UI elements when they appear or disappear on the screen. These animations enhance the user experience and can be implemented using tools like Jetpack Compose.
    • Retrofit: Retrofit is a popular HTTP client library for Android that simplifies the process of making network requests. It provides a clean and efficient way to retrieve data from web services.
    • OkHttp: OkHttp is an open-source HTTP client for Android (and Java) that is often used in conjunction with Retrofit. It's known for its speed, flexibility, and extensive features when dealing with network connections.
    • Sealed Classes: Sealed classes are a feature in Kotlin that restricts the types that can be used to inherit from them. They are often used for modeling restricted, finite sets of data states or types.
    • Kotlin Coroutines: Kotlin Coroutines are a way to write asynchronous, non-blocking code in a more sequential and readable manner. They simplify tasks like handling background threads and asynchronous operations.
    • LiveData: LiveData is part of Android's Jetpack library and is used to build data objects that notify views when the underlying data changes. It's especially useful for building reactive UIs.
    • Compose Navigation: Compose Navigation is a component in Jetpack Compose that provides tools and patterns for navigating between different screens and destinations in your Android app.
    • Flow: Flow is a reactive stream library in Kotlin that allows for the asynchronous processing of data sequences. It's often used for handling streams of data in a more reactive and functional way.
    • LeakCanary: LeakCanary is a memory leak detection library for Android. It helps developers identify and fix memory leaks in their applications, ensuring optimal memory usage.
    • Splash Screen: A Splash Screen is a screen that appears when an app is launched and is often used to display a logo or branding information. It provides a smooth transition into the main part of the application.


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