The SLDS Linter plug-in is a customizable linting tool specifically built for Salesforce Lightning Design System (SLDS) 2. SLDS Linter was built on top of ESLint and StyleLint, two widely used linters in modern front-end development. Use SLDS Linter to automatically find potential style problems and wrong patterns in your design code.
- Clone this repository
- On the root folder, run the below commands
npm run install-all npm run build
- The above commands would setup the packages to run the stylelint rules on
.css files.
This package contains all the rules we need for SDS.
This packages is used for testing all the rules added to stylelint-plugin-slds
and .stylelintrc.yml
To generate a .sarif report of validation issues, use the below commands
npm run report
The above command runs on predefined stylelintrc.yml and lint *.css available in test-repository.
You can auto fix all the errors at once in a given css file or all the css files using the below command
npm run fix
Go to the respective folder for which you want to publish new npm package.
npm version patch
npm run build
npm publish
Note: You should have permissions to publish packages to @salesforce-ux
npm org.