See the Unfiltered documentation for instructions on using the project.
The core application library for Unfiltered. This module provides interfaces and implementations of core request extractors and response combinators.
Binds the core library to filters in the servlet 3.0 API.
Provides asynchronous support for the filter module
Provides an embedded web server abstraction for serving filters.
Binds the core library to a Netty channel handler and provides an embedded server.
Provides extractors for multipart posts using netty.
Provides helpers for testing Intents with specs2.
Provides extractors for multipart posts using the servlet API.
Provides extractors for working with jsonp and transforming json request bodies.
A minimal server websocket interface build on netty
Join the Unfiltered mailing list on Google Groups or view the previous list on Nabble.
There are some giter8 templates for Unfiltered contain a bit of example code.
- unfiltered-netty.g8 g8 template for netty webservers
- unfiltered-war.g8 g8 template configured with sbt war plugin
- unfiltered-websockets.g8 g8 template for websocket based chat app
- unfiltered.g8 basic g8 template example
- unfiltered-gae.g8 g8 template for google app engine deployment
- coffee-filter.g8 g8 template of unfiltered app using coffeescript and less css
- unfiltered-oauth-server.g8 g8 template of example unfiltered oauth server