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UseNuxt SaaS Starter Project πŸš€

Welcome to UseNuxt, a comprehensive SaaS starter project built with Nuxt.js, designed to kickstart your project with all the essential features you need. With built-in team management, authentication, and more, UseNuxt provides a solid foundation for building robust SaaS applications.

Features ✨

  • Team Management: Easily manage team members and roles right out of the box.
  • Authentication: Secure authentication system integrated.
  • Database Management: Commands to manage your database schema and data.
  • Modern UI: Utilizes @nuxt/ui for a sleek, modern user interface.
  • SEO Friendly: Built-in SEO optimization for better visibility.
  • Fully Customizable: Flexible codebase that allows for easy customization and scalability.

Demo πŸš€

Experience UseNuxt in action and see firsthand what it can do for your next project.

πŸ‘‰ Visit the Demo

Installation πŸ› 

Before you begin, ensure you have Node.js installed on your machine. Then, follow these steps to get UseNuxt up and running:

# Clone the repository
git clone

# Navigate into the project directory
cd nuxt-app

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Prepare your environment (husky hooks, etc.)
npm run prepare

Available Scripts πŸ“œ

UseNuxt comes with several pre-configured npm scripts to help with your development:

  • npm run dev: Starts the development server.
  • npm run build: Builds your application for production.
  • npm run preview: Preview the generate static site.
  • npm run start: Launches the built application.
  • npm run lint: Lints and fixes files.
  • npm run db:push: Pushes schema changes to your database.
  • npm run db:gen: Generates database artifacts.

Dependencies πŸ“¦

UseNuxt leverages a powerful stack of technologies and libraries to provide a comprehensive foundation for building SaaS applications. Here's a closer look at each dependency and its role in the project:

  • Framework & UI:

    • nuxt (πŸ”₯): The core framework that powers UseNuxt, providing server-side rendering, static site generation, and a powerful module ecosystem.
    • @nuxt/ui (🎨): A modern UI library from Nuxt team, offering ready-to-use components that ensure a sleek and uniform interface.
    • vue (⚑): The progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces, used under the hood by Nuxt.
    • vue-router (🧭): The official router for Vue.js, managing navigation within the application.
  • Authentication & Security:

    • lucia (πŸ”‘): A simple, lightweight authentication library that supports multiple strategies and easy integration.
    • @lucia-auth/adapter-postgresql (πŸ’Ύ): Provides Lucia with PostgreSQL adapter for user data storage and retrieval.
    • @lucia-auth/oauth (🌐): Adds OAuth authentication support, enabling login with external providers.
  • Database & ORM:

    • drizzle-orm (🧱): A flexible ORM for managing and querying the database with ease, supporting complex data structures.
    • postgres (🐘): The node.js client for PostgreSQL, allowing direct database queries and connections.
  • Utilities:

    • @iconify/json (πŸ–ΌοΈ): Offers a comprehensive collection of icons, easily accessible within the project for UI embellishments.
    • slugify (πŸ”—): Converts strings to clean URLs, making them more friendly and accessible.
    • uid (πŸ†”): Generates unique identifiers, useful for database keys, session IDs, etc.
    • stripe (πŸ’³): Integrates payment processing, enabling the project to handle subscriptions, purchases, and financial transactions.
  • Development Tools & Linting:

    • eslint (🚨): Ensures code quality and consistency through static analysis of the codebase.
    • @antfu/eslint-config (πŸ”§): Provides a set of ESLint rules for Vue and Nuxt projects, promoting best practices.
    • husky (🐢): Manages Git hooks, automating tasks like linting before commits to maintain code quality.
  • Styling & Animation:

    • @nuxtjs/tailwindcss (🌬️): Integrates Tailwind CSS for rapid UI development with utility-first CSS classes.
    • @formkit/auto-animate (✨): Adds automatic animations to Vue components, enhancing user experience with smooth transitions.
  • Analytics & SEO:

    • @nuxtjs/plausible (πŸ“Š): Lightweight and privacy-friendly analytics, offering insights without compromising user privacy.

These dependencies are carefully selected to provide a robust, scalable foundation for your SaaS application, ensuring that you have all the tools you need for development, deployment, and beyond.

Contributing 🀝

Contributions are what make the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

License πŸ“„

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


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