Mausam - Weather App (HTML/CSS/JS) 🌦️
Mausam is a weather application built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, designed to provide users with up-to-date weather information from OpenWeatherMap API. With a clean and intuitive user interface, Mausam offers a seamless experience for users to retrieve weather forecasts and stay informed about current and future conditions.
Key Features:
🌤️ Real-time Weather Updates: Mausam fetches real-time weather data from the OpenWeatherMap API, ensuring accurate and reliable weather information.
☀️ Location-based Forecast: The app utilizes geolocation functionality to automatically detect the user's location and provide personalized weather forecasts specific to their area.
🌡️ Temperature and Conditions: Mausam displays the current temperature, humidity, and wind speed, enabling users to assess the weather at a glance quickly.
🔍 Search Functionality: Users can search for weather information in any location worldwide. Simply enter the name of a city or town, and Mausam will retrieve the relevant weather data.
🎨 Responsive Design: The app is built with a responsive design, ensuring optimal viewing and functionality across various devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.