Join the Discord channel to discuss around this integration:
For source files and version handling:
For PYPI package:
For use in Home Assistant:
The library requires python 3.8 or above.
Required information | Description |
---|---| | Your username in the BoschSmartGardening app |
your_password | Your password for the app |
This library is written for the login method with username (email address) and password. Login with Facebook account is not supported.
Call the API, synchronously:
from pyIndego import IndegoClient
indego = IndegoClient(username='', password='your_password')
Call the API, asynchronously:
from pyIndego import IndegoAsyncClient
indego = IndegoAsyncClient(username='', password='your_password')
await indego.close()
Returns the serial number of the indego mower, is usefull mostly when serial was not initialized.
Returns a description of the state, instead of a number.
Returns a detailed description of the state, instead of a number.
Description for the functions updating data from API and mower. The functions collecting data from only Bosch API does not wake up mower. Functions collecting data from both Bosch API and mower does wake up mower from sleeping.
Call | Bosch API | Mower | Mower needs to be online |
indego.update_alerts() | X | ||
indego.update_calendar() | X | ||
indego.update_config() | X | X | |
indego.update_generic_data() | X | ||
indego.update_last_completed_mow() | X | ||
indego.update_location() | X | ||
indego.update_network() | ? | ? | ? |
indego.update_next_mow() | |||
indego.update_operating_data() | X | X | |
indego.update_predictive_calendar() | X | ||
indego.update_predictive_schedule() | X | ||
indego.update_security() | X | ||
indego.update_setup() | X | ||
indego.update_state() | X | ||
indego.update_state(force=True) | X | ||
indego.update_state(longpoll=True, longpoll_timeout=120) | X | ||
indego.update_updates_available() | X | X? | |
indego.update_users() | X | ||
indego.download_map(filename='') | ? | ? |
Predictive Setup
Updates all sensors.
Updates alerts to indego.alerts.
[Alert(alert_id='5d48171263c5345a75dbc017', error_code='ntfy_blade_life', headline='Underhållstips.', date='2019-08-05T11:46:26.397Z', message='Kontrollera klippknivarna. Indego har klippt i 100 timmar. Ska den fungera optimalt, kontrollera klippknivarna så att de är i bra skick. Du kan beställa nya knivar via avsnittet Tillbehör.', read_status='unread', flag='warning', push=True, alert_description='Reminder blade life')]
Contains: alerts for mower.
Updates the calendar to indego.calendar with the next planned mows.
Calendar(cal=3, days=[CalendarDay(day=0, day_name='monday', slots=[CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=10, StMin=0, EnHr=13, EnMin=0), CalendarSlot(En=False, StHr=None, StMin=None, EnHr=None, EnMin=None)]), CalendarDay(day=2, day_name='wednesday', slalendarSlot(En=False, StHr=None, StMin=None, EnHr=None, EnMin=None)])])
Updates indego.config with settings for region, border cut, pin lock, id for the wire, bump and alarm mode. This call doesn't work on some Indegos, this function gives an error on Indego 1000, while it works on newer models (e.g., Indego S+ 400).
Config(region=0, language=1, border_cut=0, is_pin_set=True, wire_id=4, bump_sensitivity=0, alarm_mode=True)
Updates indego.generic_data with serial, service counter, name, mowing mode, model number and firmware version, model description, voltage for battery, descripton of mowing mode.
GenericData(alm_name='Indego', alm_sn='505703041', service_counter=132436, needs_service=False, alm_mode='calendar', bareToolnumber='3600HA2300', alm_firmware_version='00837.01043', model_description='Indego 1000', model_voltage=ModelVoltage(min=297, max=369), mowing_mode_description='Calendar')
Updates indego.last_completed_mow with date and time of the latest completed mow.
2020-06-21 21:38:50.115000+02:00
Updates indego.location with the location of the garden/mower.
Location(latitude='59.742950', longitude='17.380440', timezone='Europe/Berlin')
Updates with data on the mobile network the Indego is connected to.
Network(mcc=262, mnc=2, rssi=-77, currMode='s', configMode='s', steeredRssi=-100, networkCount=3, networks=[26201, 26202, 26203])
Updates the indego.next_mow with the next planned mow date and time.
2020-06-29 10:00:00+02:00
Update the indego.operating_data with data about battery, runtime, garden data and temperature.
OperatingData(hmiKeys=1768, battery=Battery(percent=357, voltage=35.7, cycles=0, discharge=0.0, ambient_temp=26, battery_temp=26, percent_adjusted=83), garden=Garden(id=8, name=1, signal_id=1, size=769, inner_bounds=3, cuts=15, runtime=166824, charge=37702, bumps=6646, stops=29, last_mow=1, map_cell_size=None), runtime=Runtime(total=RuntimeDetail(operate=1715, charge=387, cut=1328), session=RuntimeDetail(operate=9, charge=0, cut=0)))
Updates the indego.predictive_calendar with the timeslots (days and hours) where the user wants smart mowing not to mow the lawn.
Calendar(cal=1, days=[CalendarDay(day=0, day_name='monday', slots=[CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=0, StMin=0, EnHr=8, EnMin=0, Attr=None), CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=20, StMin=0, EnHr=23, EnMin=59, Attr=None)]), CalendarDay(day=1, day_name='tuesday', slots=[CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=0, StMin=0, EnHr=8, EnMin=0, Attr=None), CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=20, StMin=0, EnHr=23, EnMin=59, Attr=None)]), CalendarDay(day=2, day_name='wednesday', slots=[CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=0, StMin=0, EnHr=8, EnMin=0, Attr=None), CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=20, StMin=0, EnHr=23, EnMin=59, Attr=None)]), CalendarDay(day=3, day_name='thursday', slots=[CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=0, StMin=0, EnHr=8, EnMin=0, Attr=None), CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=20, StMin=0, EnHr=23, EnMin=59, Attr=None)]), CalendarDay(day=4, day_name='friday', slots=[CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=0, StMin=0, EnHr=8, EnMin=0, Attr=None), CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=20, StMin=0, EnHr=23, EnMin=59, Attr=None)]), CalendarDay(day=5, day_name='saturday', slots=[CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=0, StMin=0, EnHr=8, EnMin=0, Attr=None), CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=20, StMin=0, EnHr=23, EnMin=59, Attr=None)]), CalendarDay(day=6, day_name='sunday', slots=[CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=0, StMin=0, EnHr=23, EnMin=59, Attr=None)])])
Updates the indego.predictive_schedule with the next planned mows (schedule_days) and the days where the smart mowing will not mow the lawn. The latter is combined by the time slots where the user does not want the Indego to mow (Attr='C') and the slots where the weather conditions prevent the mowing (e.g., Attr='pP').
PredictiveSchedule(schedule_days=[CalendarDay(day=0, day_name='monday', slots=[CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=10, StMin=0, EnHr=13, EnMin=0, Attr=None)]), CalendarDay(day=2, day_name='wednesday', slots=[CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=10, StMin=0, EnHr=13, EnMin=0, Attr=None)]), CalendarDay(day=4, day_name='friday', slots=[CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=10, StMin=0, EnHr=13, EnMin=0, Attr=None)])], exclusion_days=[CalendarDay(day=0, day_name='monday', slots=[CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=0, StMin=0, EnHr=8, EnMin=0, Attr='C'), CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=20, StMin=0, EnHr=23, EnMin=59, Attr='C')]), CalendarDay(day=1, day_name='tuesday', slots=[CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=0, StMin=0, EnHr=8, EnMin=0, Attr='C'), CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=20, StMin=0, EnHr=23, EnMin=59, Attr='C')]), CalendarDay(day=2, day_name='wednesday', slots=[CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=0, StMin=0, EnHr=8, EnMin=0, Attr='C'), CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=20, StMin=0, EnHr=23, EnMin=59, Attr='C')]), CalendarDay(day=3, day_name='thursday', slots=[CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=0, StMin=0, EnHr=8, EnMin=0, Attr='C'), CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=8, StMin=0, EnHr=12, EnMin=0, Attr='pP'), CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=13, StMin=0, EnHr=15, EnMin=0, Attr='Pp'), CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=20, StMin=0, EnHr=23, EnMin=59, Attr='C')]), CalendarDay(day=4, day_name='friday', slots=[CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=0, StMin=0, EnHr=8, EnMin=0, Attr='C'), CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=20, StMin=0, EnHr=23, EnMin=59, Attr='C')]), CalendarDay(day=5, day_name='saturday', slots=[CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=0, StMin=0, EnHr=8, EnMin=0, Attr='C'), CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=20, StMin=0, EnHr=23, EnMin=59, Attr='C')]), CalendarDay(day=6, day_name='sunday', slots=[CalendarSlot(En=True, StHr=0, StMin=0, EnHr=23, EnMin=59, Attr='C')])])
Updates the with information about the Indego security state.
Security(enabled=True, autolock=False)
Updates the indego.setup with information if the Indego is set up, has pincode and some other unknown values.
Setup(hasOwner=True, hasPin=True, hasMap=True, hasAutoCal=False, hasIntegrityCheckPassed=True)
Updates the indego.state with state of mower, % lawn mowed, position, runtime, map updates, map coordinates (cached).
State(state=64513, map_update_available=True, mowed=78, mowmode=0, xPos=162, yPos=65, charge=None, operate=None, runtime=Runtime(total=RuntimeDetail(operate=1715, charge=387, cut=1328), session=RuntimeDetail(operate=5, charge=0, cut=0)), mapsvgcache_ts=1593207884109, svg_xPos=192, svg_yPos=544, config_change=None, mow_trig=None)
Updates the indego.state with state of mower, % lawn mowed, position, runtime, map updates and real time map coordinates.
State(state=64513, map_update_available=True, mowed=78, mowmode=0, xPos=162, yPos=65, charge=None, operate=None, runtime=Runtime(total=RuntimeDetail(operate=1715, charge=387, cut=1328), session=RuntimeDetail(operate=5, charge=0, cut=0)), mapsvgcache_ts=1593207884109, svg_xPos=192, svg_yPos=544, config_change=None, mow_trig=None)
Updates the indego.state with state of mower, % lawn mowed, position, runtime, map coordinates.
When longpoll is set to True, the indego.state must contain a value. It should contain the current state of the mower (you must run a "regular" update.state first). You send the current value to the API, and the API answers back when the state changes.
This function can be used instead of polling the status every couple of seconds: place one longpoll status request with a timeout of max. 230 seconds and the function will provide its return value when the status has been updated. As soon as an answer is received, the next longpoll status request can be placed. This should save traffic on both ends.
State(state=64513, map_update_available=True, mowed=78, mowmode=0, xPos=162, yPos=65, charge=None, operate=None, runtime=Runtime(total=RuntimeDetail(operate=1715, charge=387, cut=1328), session=RuntimeDetail(operate=5, charge=0, cut=0)), mapsvgcache_ts=1593207884109, svg_xPos=192, svg_yPos=544, config_change=None, mow_trig=None)
State(state=257, map_update_available=True, mowed=79, mowmode=0, error=None, xPos=167, yPos=77, charge=None, operate=None, runtime=Runtime(total=RuntimeDetail(operate=1973, charge=433, cut=1540), session=RuntimeDetail(operate=121, charge=0, cut=0)), mapsvgcache_ts=1597492701099, svg_xPos=152, svg_yPos=640, config_change=None, mow_trig=None)
Updates indego.update_available
with status if there are any updates applicable to the mower.
Updates the indego.user
with information about the user.
Users(email='', display_name='Indego', language='sv', country='SE', optIn=True, optInApp=True)
Delete an alert from the list, index should exist. If this is called before update_alerts it will not work.
Set the specified alert to read. This is a one way action, once read it is not possible to set back to unread. The function looks up the alert_id from indego.alerts, if it cannot find that ID or if update_alerts has not been run, this will stop and log a warning.
Set all alerts to read, the function loops through the alert_id's from indego.alerts, if update_alerts has not been run, this will stop and log a warning.
Send commands.
Command | Description |
put_command('mow') | Start mowing |
put_command('pause') | Pause mower |
put_command('returnToDock') | Return mower to dock |
Send command. Accepted commands:
Command | Description |
put_mow_mode('true') | Smart Mow enabled |
put_mow_mode('false') | Smart Mow disabled |
'garden_size': 93,
'mowing_duration': 3,
'rain_factor': 1.4,
'temperature_factor': 1.1,
'garden_location': {
'latitude': '48.7357',
'longitude': '8.9505',
'timezone': 'Europe/Berlin'
'full_cuts': 3,
'avoid_rain': True,
'avoid_temperature': True,
'use_grass_growth': True,
'no_mow_calendar_days': [
'day': 0,
'slots': [
'En': True,
'StHr': 0,
'StMin': 0,
'EnHr': 8,
'EnMin': 0
'En': True,
'StHr': 20,
'StMin': 0,
'EnHr': 23,
'EnMin': 59
'day': 6,
'slots': [
'En': True,
'StHr': 0,
'StMin': 0,
'EnHr': 23,
'EnMin': 59
All functions that doesn't contain "update" first in name is collecting data from locally stored variables in the function. No API calls to Bosch or mower.
attributes | Description |
alerts_count | Show counts of the current alerts. |
alerts | Show detailed list of alerts. |
calendar | Get the calendar of planned mows. |
AlmFirmwareVersion | Show firmware version. |
AlmMode | Show mow mode. |
AlmName | Show name. |
BareToolNumber | Show the model number. |
Battery | Show battery information. |
BatteryAmbientTemp | Show the ambient temp of the battery. |
BatteryCycles | Don't know what this value is? |
BatteryDischarge | Show the current drawn in Ah. |
BatteryPercent | Show the raw value for percentage left. For Gen 1 this seems to be the battery voltage. For Gen 2 it seems to be the actual percentage left in the battery. |
BatteryPercentAdjusted | Show the adjusted value for percentage left. Calculated for Gen 1, and the actual percentage value for Gen 2. |
BatteryTemp | Show temp of the battery. |
BatteryVoltage | Show voltage for the battery. For Gen 1 mowers this value seems to be correct. For Gen 2 it seems to be the same value as the percentage left in battery. |
ConvertBoschDateTime | Convert Bosch abbreviation for time to std 24h time |
Country | Show country for the account. |
Displayname | Show name for the account. |
Show email address for the account. | |
FirmwareAvailable | Show if there are any firmware updates available. |
FriendlyAlertErrorCode | Show user friendly alert error code description to be shown in HA GUI. |
Garden | Don't know what this is? |
HmiKeysn | Don't know what this is? |
Language | Show language for the account. |
MapSvgCacheTs | Don't know what this is... |
MapUpdateAvailable | Show if there is an update of the map image. |
ModelDescription | Show user friendly model name. |
ModelVoltage | Show the predefined voltage limits in order to calculate battery percentage. |
ModelVoltageMax | Show the maximum predefined voltage limits in order to calculate battery percentage. |
ModelVoltageMin | Show the minimum predefined voltage limits in order to calculate battery percentage. |
MowMode | Show mow mode |
Mowed | Show percentage of lawn mowed |
MowerState | Show current state |
MowerStateDescription | Show simple description of current state. States available are Docked, Mowing, Stuck, Diagnostics mode, End of life, Software update. |
MowerStateDescriptionDetailed | Show description in detail of current state. |
MowingModeDescription | Show the user friendly mow mode description. |
NeedsService | Show needs service flag. Don't know when it is used. |
NextMow | Show next planned mow session. |
OptIn | Don't know what this are for? |
OptInApp | Don't know what this are for? |
Runtime | Show session and total runtime and charge time in minutes. |
RuntimeSession | show session runtime and charge time in minutes |
RuntimeTotal | Show total runtime and charge time in hours |
Serial | Show serial number |
ServiceCounter | Show service counter for knives |
SvgxPos | Show svg x-position of mower. |
SvgyPos | Show svg y-position of mower. |
XPos | Show x-position of mower. |
YPos | Show y-position of mower. |
Get the calender for predicted mow sessions
Get the user adjustment of the mowing frequency
Get the automatic update settings
The project development is done in a Python virtual environment.
Steps required to setup your environment for development and testing:
- Setup your Python virtual environment
python -m venv .venv
. - Activate the virtual environment by running
source .venv/bin/active
- Install de requirements
pip install '.[testing]'
- Run
to test your environment.