Compute MD5 message digests in Elm.
This library exposes just one function, hex
, which takes a String
input and returns the 128-bit MD5
digest as a String
of 32 hexadecimal characters.
MD5.hex "" == "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
MD5.hex "foobarbaz" == "6df23dc03f9b54cc38a0fc1483df6e21"
Unlike the JavaScript function from which this implementation has been ported, CRLF pairs in the input are not automatically replaced with LFs prior to computing the digest. If you want that behaviour, adjust the input before evaluating the function. For example:
myHex : String -> String
myHex input =
myInput =
Regex.replace Regex.All (Regex.regex "\x0D\n") (\_ -> "\n") input
MD5.hex myInput
There are versions of this library for Elm 0.17.1 and 0.18. As I probably won't be maintaining this module any longer, for future Elm versions (or if you just want something that runs faster) please check out a fork of this project, truqu/elm-md5.
Install the package as normal for Elm 0.18 (elm package install sanichi/elm-md5
However, for Elm 0.17.1, there is an as yet undiagnosed problem with the normal method of installation. Please use the following workaround:
- Remove any dependency on
from yourelm-package.json
if you haven't already done so. - Grab a copy of the 1.0.0 version of MD5.elm (the only file you need) and add it to your project's Elm files.
- Make sure the file has been copied correctly (it's MD5 digest should be
). - Then use as normal (
import MD5