FE, tuning and comparison of the 15 popular models for Cardiovascular Disease prediction
Comparison of the optimal for each type models.
This kernel is based on the my kernel "Heart Disease - Comparison of 15 models"
Dataset : https://www.kaggle.com/benanakca/comparison-of-classification-disease-prediction
- Import libraries
- Download datasets
- Preparing to modeling
- Tuning models and test for all features
1. Logistic Regression
2. Support Vector Machines
3. Linear SVC
4. k-Nearest Neighbors algorithm
5. Naive Bayes
6. Perceptron
7. Stochastic Gradient Descent
8. Decision Tree Classifier
9. Random Forests with GridSearchCV
10. XGB Classifier with HyperOpt
11. LGBM Classifier with HyperOpt
12. GradientBoostingClassifier with HyperOpt
13. RidgeClassifier
14. BaggingClassifier
15. ExtraTreesClassifier with HyperOpt - Models evaluation