Project: make a clone of site
*Fraazo is online platform that allows customer to get farm fresh produce directly from farmers.. *
In this project we have tried to make a look alike clone of Fraazo Website. With our efforts and the technology stack, that we have learned till now in Unit-2 in the masai school, we were able to clone the front end with same looking & features.
- JavaScript
For storing user data we also used LocalStorage.
- When You land on hompage you should login first , for that click on login if already login in then just enter your ID and password. And if you are new then just create you credentials.
- After that you see all variety of products on the landing page, you can add fruits to the cart.
- After adding items to the cart you will click on the cart to go into the cart page.
- On cart page you can see all the items that you have added. You can delete the item from cart page if you want.
- Then you will select address and entre the coupon as "Flat20" then you will get 20% discount on your total amount.
- After clicking on next you will redirected to payment page where you can entre all your payment details , after clicking on payment your order will complete.
All the image and icon links have been taken from the main website ( )
- Landing Page (Home Page):
In this project we were tried to achieve a near to perfect clone of the original website as much as possible with very limited knowledge of javascript & css. This entire journey of has given us experiences and we have learned lots of things by applying to the real website and it gave us a lot of confidence.
All pages are not responsive yet , those pages are might not be properly visible on small screen devices. (Recomended Resolution: 1366 x 768 )