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OpenCV Learning(OpenCV学习笔记与代码)

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Here is my OpenCV Learning Code And Use Experience

Well, I am not so professional in this, but I'd like to share my learning experinence.

maybe someday it goes to work out my questions~

Session 1 Basic

Update 1 Learning Links

2018/08/25 Now we come a new stage and I should learn more professional knowledge.

What I have learnt from

This tells you how to normally setup

and when you got some trouble:Pls check your network(My home network trapped me for a long while)

Problems such as

Download face_landmark_model.dat Failed (or time out) missing ffmpeg

but the download is real slow. you could use your mobile and provide hotspot for your PC.(As I done)

if auto-download can't do to help, you could check these issues :

At last ,google can be your best driver.

Update 2 Get Files Name

Finally, got it! After check and check again, it works!

Below is the code of printing all files' name in current catalog Just paste it in the PowerShell Attention : the F:\OCV\opencv\newbuild\install\x64\vc15\lib is my file directory path

Get-ChildItem F:\OCV\opencv\newbuild\install\x64\vc15\lib | ForEach-Object -Process{
if($_ -is [System.IO.FileInfo])

Update 3 Notice

In the OCV3 Project I don't use src as default input image but use img_1.Which leads me misleading and make some mistakes. In the last days, I should take care of this!!

Update 4 Good feature to track

These two days, i just watch corner detection, one of detection methods is Harris , and another is Shi-Tomasi Corner detetion. In my point of view , Good Features To Track (aka Shi-Tomasi) performs better than Harris detection .

But both of them did not mark the top of roof which human could easily recognize.

Pic blow is good feature to track

and till now, I should have finished custom corner detection, but I think it is unnecessary to learn. When I meet such kind of projects or problems, I would come back have a careful seek.

Update 5

These two days I have tried SURF and SIFT,both of them are using to detect KeyPoints in the image which is hard for human beings to recognize what it is.

And the result of Experiments is that there are not so much differences between SURF and SIFT, but you still say, the KeyPoints of image shows their own features, which we can conclude that SIFT seems better?

Almost forget to say, their sample code looks same.

int numOfFeatures = 400;
Ptr<SIFT> detector = SIFT::create(numOfFeatures);
vector<KeyPoint> keypoints;//存到这来
detector->detect(src, keypoints);
Mat kpImage;
drawKeypoints(src, keypoints, kpImage);

namedWindow("result", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
imshow("result", kpImage);

Update 6 Histogram of Oriented Gradient

HOG Descriptor

Here is how to calculate size of HOG pls refer this Link

And in the section was tought how to use HOG to establish "Descriptor" detector and use SVM method to detect how many people in the picture you provide.

Just like this.

Obviously, it is not precise to detect all people in the pic.

Maybe next time I will learn how to fix this issue.

Here is code

//SVM 检测人群 7938000个描述子 速度较慢
HOGDescriptor hog = HOGDescriptor();
vector<Rect> foLocations;
hog.detectMultiScale(src, foLocations,0, Size(8, 8), Size(32, 32), 1.05);
Mat newSrc = src.clone();
for (size_t i = 0; i < foLocations.size(); i++)
    rectangle(newSrc, foLocations[i], Scalar(0, 255, 0),3);
imshow("hhh", newSrc);

Session 2 Features

Update 7 Descriptor

Yesterday, we learnt how to use HOG to recoginize the count of people. And today we are practicing to use descriptors to match a thing in another pic such as looking for a book in the gallery.

Picture blow shows what we are looking for.

And this is the pic we download form Internet.

After compiling these code:


Ptr<SURF> detector = SURF::create(400);
vector<KeyPoint> keyPoint_1;
vector<KeyPoint> keyPoint_2;

Mat descriptor_1, descriptor_2;
detector->detectAndCompute(src, Mat(), keyPoint_1, descriptor_1);
detector->detectAndCompute(img_1, Mat(), keyPoint_2, descriptor_2);

BFMatcher bfMatcher;
vector<DMatch> matches;
bfMatcher.match(descriptor_1, descriptor_2, matches);

Mat resImg;
drawMatches(src, keyPoint_1, img_1, keyPoint_2, matches, resImg);
imshow("res", resImg);

We got :

The steps of code and why I write this show in comments.

Update 8 FLANN

Using API FlannBasedMatcher, I got the same result as BruteForce Match.

The filter is necessary to use, and the effect is obviously.You could esaily recognize them.

However I could not totally understand how it works.

Update 9 KAZE

Ptr<KAZE> detector = KAZE::create();
vector<KeyPoint> keyPoints;
detector->detect(src, keyPoints);


Mat keyPointImage;
drawKeypoints(src, keyPoints, keyPointImage, Scalar::all(-1), DrawMatchesFlags::DEFAULT);;
imshow("kaze res", keyPointImage);

As the description said, the performance is better than SURF and SHIF, but I could not tell.

Here is the KAZE image:

AKAZE accelerates the process time of KAZE, just replace "KAZE" by "AKAZE". Other codes keep same.

Update 10 Face Detection

BRISK took a short time.And the "Face Detection" really annoyed me.

After fuking two months learning ,just a few lines of code could be implement. I am regreting why I learning for so long.

Fine,it is ok. And time for now I should write how to use Face Detection Code:

Here is fucking fish code:

First we should find our OpenCV install folder where we could find

And full path that I used in code.which you could replace yours:

String caPath = "F:/OCV/opencv/newbuild/install/etc/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml";

Ok,then you could just paste my code and press F5 run the program.

#pragma region FaceDetection 人脸检测

String caPath = "F:/OCV/opencv/newbuild/install/etc/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml";
CascadeClassifier face_cascade;
if (!face_cascade.load(caPath))
    printf("face cascade could not load");
    return -1;

cvtColor(src, graySrc, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
equalizeHist(graySrc, graySrc);

vector<Rect> faces;
face_cascade.detectMultiScale(graySrc, faces,1.1,2,0,Size(30,30));
for (size_t i = 0; i < faces.size(); i++)
    rectangle(src, faces[i], Scalar(0, 0, 255));
namedWindow("face detection", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
imshow("face detection", src);

#pragma endregion

the result shows:

Oh, btw,you need to replace your face picture path,which named "src".And graySrc is temporary Mat to store gray pic.

Session 3 Small Test Cases

Update 11 Trim Edge


And here is my own experinence :

In another way, this article should be read carefully : which tells how to write code of boder detection.

Update 12 Straight Line Detection

The full experience is recorded at here :

Real-Time Video Capture

First of all, we should access camera to record one or more persons faces.And in the code, While( is used to save capture image,but if not give your programe a pause or delay ,there may be some problems occour.

here is what I have done:

K-Means Background Replace

  • for Static Pictures

    This pic is an openning book on the desk.

    and a Surface default BG

    the function of K-Means I still have not understand...

  • for Real-time video capture

    it is the time I am in Lib

recently I am thinking of how to choose between ASP.Net and OpenCV. My company needs me to learn ASP.Net to build some websites, which is aimed to optimize workflow.

My teacher told me that solving your working issue which leads your direction.OpenCV now could be added to wait list.When I get free time, I may learn it again.

These days I am too lazy to update, but from now on. I will keep code updating!!!


OpenCV Learning(OpenCV学习笔记与代码)






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