Welcome to C++ DSA Repository! This repository serves as a collection of my learning journey, implementations, and solutions related to DSA concepts.
This repository is a work in progress and will be continuously updated throughout my DSA course. It contains various implementations of data structures, algorithms, and solutions to problems I encounter during my studies.
- Assignments/: Contains various assignments related to file handling and other topics.
- Contribute/: Guidelines and files for contributing to this repository.
- Data Structures & Algorithms/: Implementations of various data structures and algorithms.
- docker-guide/: Detailed guide on running C++ programs using Docker.
- DSA Friday Lab/: Contains lab exercises and solutions from DSA Friday Labs.
- Past Papers/: Solutions to past exam papers.
- Quick C++ Revision/: Quick revision notes and examples for C++.
If you'd like to contribute:
- You can add your code to the Contribute folder.
- For more extensive contributions, please create a separate repository with your organized code.
- If you find any errors in my solutions or have improvements, feel free to suggest updates.
- Please refer to the CONTRIBUTE.yaml file for detailed contribution guidelines.
If you are a Docker user, you can refer to the docker-guide directory for a detailed guide on running C++ programs using Docker. This guide will help you set up and run your C++ programs in an isolated container environment.
As this is a learning repository:
- Some solutions might not be optimal or may contain errors.
- The organization and structure will improve over time as I progress through the course.
- Optimize folder structure and file organization
- Add detailed comments and explanations to code
- Include a variety of problems and their solutions
- Improve documentation and README files for each section
Thank you for visiting this repository. Let's learn and grow together in the world of Data Structures and Algorithms!