Neo4j is the world's leading open source Graph Database which is developed using Java technology. It is highly scalable and schema free (NoSQL).
A graph is a pictorial representation of a set of objects where some pairs of objects are connected by links. It is composed of two elements - nodes (vertices) and relationships (edges).
Graph database is a database used to model the data in the form of graph. In here, the nodes of a graph depict the entities while the relationships depict the association of these nodes.
To create this Database all the information is retrieved from the Wikipedia , The nature of datbase is each and every node is created sepretly and each and every single node represents either a county or a members , so there is 40 consituencies is in Ireland so there is all together 40 nodes in the database which represents all the consituencies of ireland.
CREATE ( CarlowKilkenny : constituencies {Name : "Carlow–Kilkenny" })
CREATE (CarlowKillkenny1 : candidate_CK { Name : "John McGuiness", Gender : "Male" , Age : 40 ,
PartyName : "FiannaFail", TotalVotes : 11903 ,County : "Carlow–Kilkenny" ,Win : "Yes" })
MATCH (u:constituencies {Name:"Carlow–Kilkenny"}), (r:candidate_CK)
CREATE (u)-[:Ran_IN_Election]->(r)
Above query shows how to create a relationship between constituency name Carlow–Kilkenny with the all the candidate of that constituency, firstly we have to match the nodes together in datbase , For eg in the constituencies match a node name called Carlow–Kilkenny and match a another node in that candidate_CK and make a relationship between them and give a relationship name called a Ran_IN_Election.
First, you need to have a local Neo4j running. The easiest way is Docker. If you have a docker installed locally, than please run .
docker run --publish=7474:7474 --publish=7687:7687 -e 'NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/secret' neo4j:4.1
Another option is to use Neo4j desktop, which can be downloaded from here: If you chose that way, install and start as instructed by the desktop application. You need to start a new database inside desktop.
After you have Neo4j up and running, open up a browser and goto http://localhost:7474. Enter the credentials (neo4j:secret if you chose the Docker approach above or the credentials you supplied in Neo4j Desktop).
click and run the Cypher statement to insert the dataset .
Clone this project from GitHub.
This query Will Shows whats actually exixts in database and how is the structure of database. In terms of relationship with all of the members of the given county .
This query will show a user that how many nodes are in the databse It will count a total number of nodes .
start n=node(*)
match (n)
return count(n)
This query will Get the number of female members were there in county kerry, who run in election With there names and age .
MATCH(a:constituencies{Name : "Kerry"})-[:Ran_IN_Election]->
WHERE b.Gender = "Female"
RETURN b.Name , b.Age;
MATCH(a:constituencies{Name : "Clare"})-[:Ran_IN_Election]->
WHERE b.Age >= 70
RETURN b.Name , b.Age;
This query will Find the list of people who won the election for more than 12000 votes , Their Names , Total Number of votes they got And was male or female and count them how many are their were .
MATCH(a:constituencies{Name : "Clare"})-[:Ran_IN_Election]->
WHERE b.TotalVotes >=12000
RETURN b.Name , b.TotalVotes, b.Gender ,b.Age, Count(*);
- Neo4J - Neo4j
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details