Idea for this project striked me when i attended an online webinar hosted for more than 500+ participants for skill development,
at the end of the webinar everyone is awarded with a participation certificate. I wondered how did they managed to create 500+ certificates in less than an hr.
When i was learning open CV i understood certificate automation can be easily implemented with built-in functions in cv module, but the problem is Open CV offers very little choice of fonts,there is no option to import or use other fonts.
-> Hershey Simplex
-> Hershey Plain
-> Hershey Duplex
-> Hershey Complex
-> Hershey Triplex
-> Hershey Complex Small
-> Hershey Script Simplex
-> Hershey Script Complex
So i started to think of an alternative then i remembered PILLOW module which i learnt earlier before Open CV and made NFT project , in which any font can be used regardlessly.
So i decided to make a script which uses both Open CV and Pillow to gen certificates, user can choose between any of them by commenting the other in main function.
if __name__=="__main__":
open_textfile() is used to read data from names.txt (don't forget to update names.txt with you're data before running script)
Here in this example i used Pacifio and Sofia-regular , u can find many fonts and can download for free from Fontsquirrel
Intially if there are any certificates in pillow or cv2 dir are cleared/deleted then updated with new certificates, u can see the log of which certificate is generated in terminal (ik resolution is f'ed up)
def clean():
x=input("enter folder name to clean: ")
print("Cleaning {} folder ........".format(str(x)))
for certificates in os.listdir("result/{}/".format(str(x))):
Just in case u forgot to delete previous certificates, clean is used to remove any previous remains.
enter name of the folder u wanted to delete certificates in and hit enter they are deleted in a snap.
That being said here is a quick sample created using Open CV and Pillow with Pacifico and FONT_HERSHEY_SCRIPT_COMPLEX fonts
(found this beautiful certificate template in Canva)
In either techniques u can adjust font-weight,thickness,font-size,font-color by changing values in their respective arguments
- As of now (1.0.1) input can be given by .txt , .csv files, To configure, run the program and select (1) to give input with .txt and select (2) to give input with .csv.(2) is default. (More filesystem support will be added in near future)
- No other issues, everything works fine
- place you're certificate template with name strictly "certificate.jpg", update the co-ordinates for text placement, update names.txt -- # hit run and chillax!
- Under GPL-3.0 license you are eligible to use the code how ever you want, but do not copy paste this as you're work/project anywhere , if done so it leads to copyright violation,you can avoid it by giving credit to me by linking this repo.
(ngl open CV, Pillow are dope af🔥!)