PyDataflow Template is an ETL tool that uses Cloud Dataflow. It is implemented as a FlexTemplate for Dataflow.
By defining a JSON configuration file, you can execute various pipelines without the need for programming. The pipeline is assembled based on the configuration file and executed as a Cloud Dataflow or Direct Runner job.
This project is implemented in Python as an alternative to the Java-based project DataflowTemplate, which you can refer to. (The number of modules is still limited.)
The three types of modules, sources
, transforms
, and sinks
, are abstracted as the entities that perform Extract, Transform, and Load operations, respectively. Each module is a class that implements an Apache Beam Ptransform. By combining modules, you can construct flexible ETL pipelines.
The following configuration file is an example of saving the result of a MySQL query to a specified table in BigQuery.
"name": "mysql-to-bigquery",
"description": "Sample data load from MySQL to BigQuery.",
"sources": [
"name": "mysqlInput",
"module": "mysql",
"parameters": {
"query": "select * from test_db.test;",
"profile": "test_mysql"
"sinks": [
"name": "bigqueryOutput",
"module": "bigquery",
"input": "mysqlInput",
"parameters": {
"table": "py-dataflow:test.mysql_to_bigquery_sample_output",
"create_disposition": "CREATE_IF_NEEDED"
To execute the command using the created configuration file, run the following command:
make run_workflow config=path/to/config.json
Dataflow jobs will be started via Workflows. You can check the execution status of the jobs on the console screen.
For more details, please refer to the documentation.