Cyberpunk 2077 Breach Protocol is a hacking minigame in the video game Cyberpunk 2077. This minigame is a simulation of local network hacking from ICE (Intrusion Countermeasures Electronics) in the game Cyberpunk 2077.
This program is using brute force method.
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd Tucil1_13522125
Go to the src directory
cd src
Make virtual environment
virtual venv
Activate the virtual environment
source venv/bin/Activate # WSL / MacOS / Linux
source venv/Scripts/activate # Windows
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start the program
Deactivate the virtual environment
- File
7 # buffer size
6 6 # matrix width and height
7A 55 E9 E9 1C 55 # matrix
55 7A 1C 7A E9 55
55 1C 1C 55 E9 BD
BD 1C 7A 1C 55 BD
BD 55 BD 7A 1C 1C
1C 55 55 7A 55 7A
3 # number of sequences
BD E9 1C # sequence token
15 # sequence reward
BD 1C BD 55
- Terminal
? Number of unique token? 5
? Enter the tokens: 7A 1C BD 55 E9
? Enter the buffer size: 7
? Enter the matrix size (m x n): 6 6
? Enter the number of sequences: 3
? Enter the maximum size of the sequence: 4