👋 Hi, I’m Saurin Anilkumar Prajapati, you can call me Prajapati.
I am a grad CS student @ Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States.
Coursework: Statistical Machine Learning, Distributed Database Systems, Software Security, Cloud Computing, Data Mining, Software Verification and Validation Testing.
👀 I’m interested in Java.
I have worked using Java, Python, C++, Statistical Analysis System (SAS), Tableau, PowerBI, HTML, CSS, Js, Node.js, Angularjs, Express.js, .
I have profeesional working experience with:
- Development of Dashboards with near-real time data pipeline with multi-source and multi-frequency data in SAS environment
- Development and maintenance of user-access, jobs (program) scheduling in banking related software (IFRS9 implementation for a Bank)
- Development and presentation of POC for Machine Learning tasks
- Designing and implemting ETL logic
- Software documentation (Business Requirements Document, User Manual, On-boarding guide, and so on)
🌱 I’m currently working on my Spring framework projects.
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on any interesting and challenging Machine learning or core Java project.
📫 How to reach me --> mail me at spraja14@asu.edu