This Golang microservice is a part of my project sayeed1999/Ride-Sharing-Platform. This microservice contains the core algorithms e.g ride matchmaking, trip transition checking of the ride sharing app.
The main app Ride-Sharing-Platform, which is built with .NET, uses this service as its microservice to do the core algorithm heavy lifting for it.
To set the env's properly, run from bash terminal: -
export RideProcessingService__Server__Port=8080
export RideProcessingService__Server__Host=
[Note: While not running with docker compose, omit the first part RideProcessingService__. While running docker compose, docker will omit the prefix RideProcessingService__ for you.]
To run the project directly from terminal: -
Open a terminal from this directory and run go run ./cmd/app/.
The api will be running on localhost:8080
To manually build the Docker image, run from terminal: -
docker build -t ride-processing-service .
To manually run a container for this image, run for terminal: -
docker run --rm -it -p 7000:8080 ride-processing-service
The api will be running on localhost:7000
To run through Docker Compose file, run from terminal: -
docker-compose up -d
To stop the running containers, run: -
docker-compose down