A blazing fast yet compact port scanner written in nim.
- Nim 1.6.10
- Scan single port, Port range and all 65535 ports.
- For convenience you can scan for Common top 1002 ports .
- the Linux and Windows binaries are less then 100kb.
- User Friendly. :xD
: If you are using Command Prompt for running the tools it might messed up the colors so it is advised to use Windows Terminal rather than command prompt.
For usage or help
./nimd4 -h/--help
For single port scanning.
./nimd4 -t scanme.nmap.org -p 80
For Range of ports
./nimd4 -t scanme.nmap.org -r 1-100
Common Ports (1002)
- You can download the pre-built binaries Binries here.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.