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Giuseppe Barbieri edited this page Feb 16, 2021 · 1 revision

Default Key bindings

Most of the demos use the following key bindings:


Key Action
Mouse drag Look-around
W, A, S, D Move forward, left, back, right
Shift - W, A, S, D Move forward, left, back, right fast
K, Shift+K Move upwards, move upwards fast
J, Shift+J Move downwards, move downwards fast
C Switch between FPS and Arcball camera control modes (only used in some examples)

If a gamepad is connected (such as a PlayStation 3 or 4 controller), the hats can be used for movement and look-around.


Key Action
F Toggle fullscreen
Q Toggle rendering quality (low, medium, high, ultra), if supported by the current rendering pipeline
Shift-V Toggle stereo rendering and rendering to VR headsets, if supported by the current rendering pipeline
Shift-Q Toggle buffer debug view
P Save screenshot to Desktop as PNG
Shift-P Record a H264-encoded video to the Desktop

All keybindings are also listed in the InputHandler class.

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