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Merge branch 'release/v.3.0.0'
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schnatterer committed Jun 19, 2016
2 parents 0a37cb5 + 7ba7156 commit b5cb7ea
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Showing 163 changed files with 9,993 additions and 10,128 deletions.
23 changes: 22 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
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# Ignore Gradle GUI config

# Avoid ignoring Gradle wrapper jar file (.jar files are usually ignored)

# Cache of project

# # Work around
# gradle/wrapper/

## Android Studio/IntelliJ
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nusic Changelog

**v.3.0.0** - 2016/06/19

* Updated android support libraries - fixing errors for legacy android versions
* Technical reconstructions (maven -> gradle)

**v.2.1.1** - 2016/06/01

* Android 6: Request Read Media Permissions at Run Time

**v.2.1.0** - 2016/01/03

* Improvements for android 6
* Clean up old log files in order to preserve storage on device

**v.2.0.0** - 2015/06/30

* Introduced material design
* Restructured preferences, added developer preferences
* Implemented possibility to send log files via email
* Completely restructured app under the hood, in order to allow for better maintainability in the future

**v.1.0.2** - 2015/05/20

* Fixed recurring release date notification

**v.1.0.1** - 2014/11/25

* Fixed a possible error when displaying notification about new releases, caused during image loading

**v.1.0 Cover art and notifications**
**v.1.0 Cover art and notifications** - 2014/10/04

* Feature: Now showing cover art from Cover Art Archive
* Feautre: Get notified on the day of a release
* Added changelog, licenses, privacy policy as well as links to GitHub and Google Play and an email contact to preferences.
* Added welcome screen for new users and new versions
* Multiple minor enhancements/fixes

**v.0.6 New Tabs & UTC Fix**
**v.0.6 New Tabs & UTC Fix** - 2014/10/04

* New Tabs for available and announced releases
* Bugfixes (Wrong release dates when changing timezones, error on daily refresh of releases)

**v.0.5.1 Encryption and fixes**
**v.0.5.1 Encryption and fixes** - 2014/05/29

* Fixed an exception when hiding releases
* Fixed issue #1
* Enabled encryption (HTTPS) for communication with MusicBrainz

**v.0.5 Several minor enhancements**
**v.0.5 Several minor enhancements** - 2014/05/10

* Added back button to action bar in preferences menu
* Implemented swiping between tabs
* Removed error notification when update failed for some artists

**v.0.4 Hide albums**
**v.0.4 Hide albums** - 2014/02/03

* Possibility to hide a single album or all ablums by a specific artist by long tapping an album.
* Hidden albums can be reset in the preferences.

**v.0.3.1 Android 2.x**
**v.0.3.1 Android 2.x** - 2014/01/08

* Fix: App did not start on Android 2.x devices.

**v.0.3 Android 4.4**
**v.0.3 Android 4.4** - 2013/11/28

* Fix: artists could not be read in Android 4.4

**v.0.2.2 Changed default values**
**v.0.2.2 Changed default values** - 2013/10/20

* Prepared launch on Google Play.
* Mobile internet is now used by default in order to avoid unexpected behavior by default.

**v.0.2.1: Bugfix: Duplicated releases**
**v.0.2.1: Bugfix: Duplicated releases** - 2013/10/17

* Fixed an issue where one release could appear several times.

**v.0.2: Improvements for background task**
**v.0.2: Improvements for background task** - 2013/10/15

* Minor improvements, especially regarding background service that keeps releases up-to-date

**v.0.1: First "official" version**
**v.0.1: First "official" version** - 2013/09/01

* Checks for new album releases for all artists on phone using MusicBrainz
* Releases are displayed in two tabs: "Recently added" (within the last two weeks) and "All"
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nusic - you new music
Copyright 2014 Johannes Schnatterer.
Copyright 2016 Johannes Schnatterer.
Published under GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 3.0

Expand All @@ -14,10 +14,6 @@ published under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
published under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0

published under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0

published under GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 3.0
Expand All @@ -35,7 +31,7 @@ published under MIT License, Version 2.0

published under GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
published under GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1

**Apache Commons IO**
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143 changes: 101 additions & 42 deletions
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nusic - your new music
| Branch | Build Status |
| ------------- |------------- |
| Develop | [![Build Status Develop](]( |
| Features | [![Build Status Develop](]( |
| Branch | Build Status | Quality Gate |
| ------------- |------------- | ------------ |
| Develop | [![Build Status Develop](]( |[![Quality Gates Develop](]( |
| Features | [![Build Status Features](]( | |

Never again miss a new album release of your favorite artists - always stay informed by nusic.
Expand All @@ -28,16 +28,25 @@ You can download the lates version as APK from [GitHub] (
Copyright © 2013 Johannes Schnatterer.

Licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 3.
See the [License]( and the [licenses of dependencies](
See the [License](LICENSE.txt) and the [licenses of dependencies](

## Release notes
See [Releases] (
See [Changelog]( and [Releases] (

## Permissions
What kind of permission does nusic require and why does it require them?
- Network communication, full network access: Check MusicBrainz for new releases
- Nework communication, view network connections: Get notified about available connection to the internet in order to start checking for new releases.
- Yor applications information, run at startup: Schedule regular checking for new releases via the Android alarm manager
- System tools, test access to protected storage: Get the artists that are stored on the device
- Affects Battery, prevent phone from sleeping: Prevent the device from falling back to sleep while searching for new releases

## Build
### Modules
| Module | Packaging | Description |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| parent | pom | Global build properties for all modules |
| parent | - | Global build properties for all modules |
| nusic-apk | apk | Assembly maven module containing the guice module, wires up all dependencies and builds the APK |
| nusic-ui-android | aar | Contains all android specific frontend-code |
| nusic-core-api | jar | Interfaces of the central logic module |
Expand All @@ -47,40 +56,90 @@ See [Releases] (
| nusic-domain | jar | Domain objects for persistence and migration between the layers |
| nusic-util | jar | Utility module, containing logic common to all modules |

### Maven
In order to build the APK use the [SDK manager]( to download the SDK Version specified in the [parent POM's properties]( and deploy android to your local maven repo using [maven-android-sdk-deployer]( Also make sure to set your `ANDROID_HOME` environment variable to `sdk` folder of your Android SDK.
Then just run
mvn install
Or if you want to deploy to your devices (vie ADB):
mvn install android:deploy android:run

Note: During the build, the APK is signed using a keystore. In order not to hard-code any credentials, it uses variables.
You could pass those via the command line or define them in your ~/.m2/settings.xml like so:
<sign.alias>the key's alias within the keystore</sign.alias>
<sign.keypass>password for keystore</sign.keypass>
<sign.storepass>password for key</sign.storepass>
### Gradle
In order to build the APK use the [SDK manager]( to download the SDK Version specified in the [parent project's build.gradle](build.gradle) and deploy android to your local maven repo using [maven-android-sdk-deployer]( Also make sure to set your `ANDROID_HOME` environment variable to `sdk` folder of your Android SDK.
Then just run
gradle clean check assembleDebug
to compile from scratch, run the tests and create a debug-signed APK, or run

### Eclipse
* When using [m2eclipse]( and [m2e-android]( and have your local maven repo set up (see above), maven and m2e should set you up with all you need to build an run right away.
* For setting up android libs, add nuisc-ui-android as library to nusic-apk and android-support-v7-appcompat from ANDROID_HOME/extras/android/support/v7/appcompat.
* In order to be able to use RoboBlender properly, add a source folder that points to `target/generated-sources/annotations` to each android-module (nusic-data-android, nusic-core-android, nusic-ui-android). Not doing this will most likely result in a `java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: AnnotationDatabaseImpl` when starting the app.
* For running robolectric tests from eclipse, you need to add the robolectric libraries (robolectric*.jar and android_all*.jar) to the modules (e.g. nusic-data-android). Those have been removed from the maven build of m2e because m2e doesn't know about scopes and and adding android_all*.jar to the APK will dramatically slow down the eclipse build or even fail it (exceed the 65K limit).

## Permissions
What kind of permission does nusic require and why does it require them?
- Network communication, full network access: Check MusicBrainz for new releases
- Nework communication, view network connections: Get notified about available connection to the internet in order to start checking for new releases.
- Yor applications information, run at startup: Schedule regular checking for new releases via the Android alarm manager
- System tools, test access to protected storage: Get the artists that are stored on the device
- Affects Battery, prevent phone from sleeping: Prevent the device from falling back to sleep while searching for new releases
gradle clean check assembleRelease
to create a signed APK, using an custom keystore.

For passing the credentials for this keystore via the command line there are four options

1. Define them in your `~/.gradle/` like so

signAlias=the key's alias within the keystore
signKeypass=password for keystore
signStorepasss=password for key
2. Pass them as command line properties, e.g.
gradle clean check assembleRelease -PsignAlias="the key's alias within the keystore"
3. Pass them as environment variables, e.g.
export ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_signAlias=the key's alias within the keystore
4. or pass them as system property, e.g.
gradle clean check assembleRelease -Dorg.gradle.project.signKeystore=signAlias="the key's alias within the keystore"
## Creating a release
TODO Automate this, e.g. via Jenkins
- Start release
git-flow release start v.2.1.1
- Set Version
gradle setVersion -PnewVersion=2.1.1
- Update [changelog](
- Commit
git add .
git commit -m 'Prepare release v.2.1.1'
- Finish release & Tag (+ tag message)
git-flow release finish v.2.1.1
- Set next dev version & commit
gradle setVersion -PnewVersion=2.1.2-SNAPSHOT
git add .
git commit -m "Prepare for next development iteration v.2.1.2-SNAPSHOT"
- Checkout and build tag
git checkout tags/v.2.1.1
gradle clean check assembleRelease
- Push all branches & tags
git push --all
git push --tags
- Upload artifact: [Github](, [Google Play](
- Add changelog to github release page:
- Add changelog to google play entry
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TODOs - Features, enhancements, refactoring, ...

- Move to gradle and AndroidStudio

- SonarQube (replace tabs by spaces, ...)
- Gradle: Dont repeat yourself - Set common compileJava, android and sonarqube (for android) options only once
See e.g

- Set TargetSDK to 24 and test on emu
- Use newest build tools version, as soon as openshift updates GLIBC to GLIBC_2.14 needed by aapt (test with "ldd --version")

- Specify which files to backup in manifest:

- SonarQube
- Fix Javadoc warnings

- A new view that shows icon of the release and a link to MB on tap ? --> Remove webview
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