Script to import journals metadata from Journal Manager to ISIS databases.
- Python2.7 (
- pip (
- CISIS 10/30 (
- Run pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create de virtual environment variables.
API_URL # URL to the SciELO Manager API.
API_USER # You API user name in SciELO Manager.
API_KEY # Your API key in SciELO Manager.
DELOREAN_URL # domain to Delorean.
COLLECTION_SLUG # Collection Slug in SciELO Manager.
SERIAL_SOURCE_DIR # full path to the serial folder where the databases will be copied to.
docker build -t scieloorg/delorean2isis
API_URL # URL to the SciELO Manager API.
API_USER # You API user name in SciELO Manager.
API_KEY # Your API key in SciELO Manager.
DELOREAN_URL # domain to Delorean.
COLLECTION_SLUG # Collection Slug in SciELO Manager.
SERIAL_SOURCE_DIR # full path to the serial folder where the databases will be copied to.
docker run -it --rm --name delorean2isis -e DELOREAN_URL= -e API_USER=<youruser> -e API_KEY=<yourkey> -e ISIS_PATH=/app/cisis/ -e COLLECTION_SLUG=espanha -e SERIAL_SOURCE_DIR=/app/serial -v ~/Trabalho/delorean2isis/serial/:/app/serial/ -v ~/Trabalho/web/proc/cisis/:/app/cisis/ delorean2isis delorean2isis -c espanha -o /app/serial