A CPU raytracer based off of the Raytracing in a Weekend book series by Peter Shirley (https://raytracing.github.io/) and an in progress real time Vulkan rendering engine. It uses a bounding volume hierarchy inorder to accelerate ray tracing.
The cpu raytracer is based off of the Raytracing in a Weekend series by Peter Shirley. It features multiple materials, a GUI written with egui and support for loading arbitrary scenes. The supported materials are described below.
A diffuse material that scatters light in random directions and absorbs a specific color based on the color of the object. The following example render can be used by loading the "Lambertian Demonstration" scenario.
Models a metallic surface. It reflects rays about the normal vector with a random blur based on a predifined "fuzz"
variable inorder to model metalic surfaces that are not completly polished.
An example of a smooth render is shown below.
When a surface is rough the rays are more likely to be reflected in a random direction and the same scene as above is shown except with a fuzz of 0.6.
A Dielectric Material simulates a transparent material with diffraction. A dielectric material can be used to simulate
glass. An example with low refraction shown below.
An example with high refraction is shown below. Notice how the orange sphere is distorted by the glassy sphere.
A diffuse light source simply emits light. The light can emmit according to a texture. The texture can be proceedurally generated noise, an image texture or a constant background.
An example of a diffuse light emmitting light according to a texture.
Many different renderable shapes are supported
Spheres support
The gui was built inorder to make debuging and interacting with the renderer easier. It currently has a window for selecting new scenes and a debug log window. The debug log window utilizes the log crate inorder to provide a convient API that differentiates between debug, info, warnings and errors.
An in progress vulkan rendering engine is currently under construction. It is planned to use ray tracing. Currently it supports loading some of the scenes from the cpu Minya renderer.
A rendering of the cornell box is shown below.
RootNodes["Root Nodes"]{
id ChildId
int size
id NodeId PK
VarChar(5) LeafOrParent "Must be 'leaf' or 'parent'"
id ParentId PK
id NodeId FK
id Child00 FK
id Child01 FK
id Child10 FK
id Child11 FK
id ParentId PK
id LeafId FK
VarChar MaterialType
id LeafId
blob MaterialData
TranslucentMaterial["Translucent Material"]{
id LeafId
blob MaterialData
Node |{--|| Parent: ""
Node |{--|| Leaf: ""
RootNodes ||--o| Node: ""
SolidMaterial o{--|| Leaf: ""
TranslucentMaterial o{--|| Leaf: ""