This is the documentation for the open-source splitflap display project:
Questions or comments? Join the community Discord server to chat with other split-flap enthusiasts.
- Flaps Guide - overview of the flaps - the most repetitive (and sometimes tedious) part of this project: How to cut them yourself or purchase them pre-cut and pre-printed
- 28BYJ-48 Motor Buying Guide — motor buying guide (finding good motors is a little tricky, so it has its own guide)
- Electronics User Guide — Chainlink electronics setup guide
- v2 Easy Ordering Guide (US only) — simplified ordering overview if you’re in the US
- v2 Comprehensive/Advanced Ordering Guide — the FULL exhaustive ordering document, with lots of alternatives and options for every part
- v2 Assembly — assembly overview for the newer v2 mechanical release
- v0 Easy Ordering Guide (US only) — simplified ordering overview if you’re in the US
- v0 Comprehensive/Advanced Ordering Guide — the FULL exhaustive ordering document, with lots of alternatives and options for every part
- v0 Assembly — mechanical assembly overview for the stable 0.5/0.6/0.7 versions