QuickManager is a managing application, which is used in institutes for managing its students. While the staff features are mainly to manage students and teachers, managers‟ features are more because they have to manage staff and other managers. Many QuickManage 3.0 use cases inherit from the previous version. These include:
There are two types of users: manager and staff. While a staff can perform basic operations, a manager has more rights: he can manage users (staff and other managers, not himself) and other specific operations. Beneath are all main operations with notices if the operations are for manager only, the rest will be for all users (staff and managers).
After logging successfully to the system, the manager can create users, view user list, view and edit user information, active users, deactive users and delete them.
After logging successfully to the system, the user can create students and teachers, view list of students and teachers, view and edit their information, active students and teachers, deactive students and teachers and delete teachers.
User can create a class with information about teacher, major, textbook, number of students, textbook, duration and location. The User then can view the class information and edit it. From the view of class information, the User is able to enroll or unenroll students to or from the class. When the User deletes the class, all enrolled student of that class will automatically be removed.
The User can view timetables of classes by rooms, students and teachers.
The User can generate, view, update to paid status and print student invoices.
The Manager can change paid status of invoice to unpaid and delete invoices.
The Manager can generate report about paid and unpaid students for a specific month.
There are new features to be available:
A dashboard, which is expected to be the first screen to appear when the user run the program, contains information about current number of classes, students, teachers, capacity utilization ratio, total paid tuition fee of last month, total unpaid tuition fee of last month, total unpaid tuition fee of last month, total paid tuition fee of current month.
The term of Class Type is introduced. A Class Type instance contains information about class major, type, lessons/week, tuition fee for a 45 minute lesson and 60 minute lesson and a note. The User is able to add, edit and delete a Class Type.
Format of invoice ID is updated. It shall be studentid-yymmdd for the first invoice creating in a certain day, the following ones follow studentid -yymmdd-x format, in which x is an incremental number and starts from 1.
Manager can set and edit hourly paid rate for each major of a teacher when he creates a teacher or edit teacher information.
The pay slip is generated by the Users. A monthly pay slip is associated with a teacher. The pay slip contains a list of classes and for each class, it shows the number of lessons, total hours, hourly pay rate and salary the teacher earns for that class. The User can view pay slip information from the pay slip list or from the teacher detail information GUI. The newest pay slip shall be placed first in the list. Manager has the right to delete pay slip.
The use of CSV is supported for exporting and importing. This serves as the back -up and initialized solutions. Hot keys are supported. Bilingual interface (English and Vietnamese) is supported. Windows installer is supported. Unit test is continued to develop