Rendering 3D scenes physically-based through Path Tracing. Interaction of light with surfaces is evaluated through bi-directional reflection distribution functions (BRDF). — Master Thesis 2013/14
- Stackless traversal.
- 1 or 2 faces per leaf node.
- Code for use of spatial splits in build process exists, but seems faulty. Should not be used.
- OS: Linux
Though it should be possible to built and run it on other platforms as well. I just never tried it. - Hardware: GPU with OpenCL 1.1 and OpenGL 3.1 capabilities
Tested only with NVIDIA.
- freeglut3-dev
- libboost-dev
- libdevil-dev
- libglew-dev
- libglm-dev
- libqt5core5a
- libxi-dev
- libxmu-dev
- opencl-headers
If there are problems to get NVIDIA hardware to work with OpenCL (which is very likely in my experience), here is some trouble shooting:
Check if you have this file:
The name doesn't really matter, but there has to be a file with the name or path of the NVIDIA OpenCL lib, e.g.:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Check which library files you have withlocate
. -
I have the following installed and it works:
libcg libcggl libcuda1-361-updates nvidia-cg-dev nvidia-cg-toolkit nvidia-361-updates nvidia-common nvidia-modprobe nvidia-prime nvidia-opencl-icd-361-updates nvidia-settings ocl-icd-libopencl1 opencl-headers
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release CMakeLists.txt
- NVIDIA only supports OpenCL 1.1. OpenCL 1.2 support seems unlikely at the moment.