Render 3D cities in web. Request solar data for specific buildings and do cost analysis. Project uses Next.js + Resium + Cesium ion + Mapbox Styles API + Google API.
CityGML data used in showcase image was obtained from the German Federal Statistical Office under the ”Data Licence Germany – Attribution – Version 2.0” license. Data can be downloaded here.
Tailwind styling. Smooth blur animations. Initial load animation.
Search bar with keyboard support. Uses Google Places API and navigates to the location.
Highlighting on hover and selecting 3D features on the map. Feature info card is opened that uses reverse geocoding in order to lookup address.
In the feature info card user can request calculation of solar data. This request uses Google Solar API. With this data the component calculates solar cost analysis.
Next.js meta framework is used to render web application and make server requests.
In order to render maps Resium was used. Resium is a library of React components for Cesium.js. In order to make this library work cesium files are required in /public/cesium
This project uses Cesium ion™ to host 3D content and serve it to the app. Specifically, it uses 3D Tiles and serves them to the client. Cesium ion supports uploading CityGML data and converting them to 3D tiles. (CityGML data needs to be converted to the 3D tiles data format if you want to serve this kind of data in the web)
Mapbox Styles API provides interface for custom map styles.
Project uses Static Tiles API and retrieves the style with url of format:{username}/{style_id}/tiles/{tilesize}/{z}/{x}/{y}{@2x}?access_token=${mapbox_access_token}
Google API is used in this project for multiple purposes. To retrieve addresses and coordinates Places API and Geocoding API are used. Solar data is retrieved via Solar API.
Environment variables are stored in .env
, for local development don't forget to use .env.local
in order to not push your secrets. Read more on how Next.js handles environment variables here.
Below this section there is detailed information how to retrieve each variable.
# Public
NEXT_PUBLIC_CESIUM_ASSET_ID=96188 # Cesium OSM Buildings
NEXT_PUBLIC_MAPBOX_STYLE_USERNAME=mimo-mi # Style from showcase
NEXT_PUBLIC_MAPBOX_STYLE_ID=cly1ljlzt003x01qvapsu4ug5 # Style from showcase
# Server
- Create Cesium ion account
- Create Cesium access token. Only
scope is required - Copy access token to environment variables
Optional: Create assets and set asset id into the environment variables.
- Create Mapbox account
- Create style in Mapbox Studio
- Copy Mapbox username and style id to environment variables
Highly recommended to use gcloud CLI as the Google Console UI is not good.
Run bash script located in /tools/
. In case not ran on unix system but inside of WSL use /tools/
which uses CRLF line endings.
./tools/ "project-name" "api-key-name"
This script installs jq, gcloud and gcloud beta. It prompts to authenticate with gcloud, then it creates/selects project, checks if billing is setup (required in order to use API). If billing is not setup, it will prompt to create billing and re-run the script.
If billing is setup then it should create new Google Cloud project and create API key with necessary permissions. Set this api key into the environment variables.
If setup without gcloud is desired, then refer to Google documentation and create api key for Geocoding, Places and Solar API. Recommended to look at the script to understand setup.
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev
This starts the application on localhost:3000. There is a placeholder "home" page. In order to navigate to the main page navigate to /dashboard
Application can be easily deployed to
Environment variables should be passed using --build-arg
. See section (#devops) below, this is done automatically via GitHub Actions.
Application can be easily deployed to Vercel.
There is continuous delivery setup done via GitHub Actions:
Make sure to either set FLY_API_TOKEN
depending on platform used in your GitHub environment variables.
When using make sure to set all variables and secrets as GitHub environment variables.
When using Vercel make sure to set all variables and secrets as Vercel environment variables.
There is no plan to maintain this project further for now, might change in the future. Ideas not implemented:
- Database storing fetched data from Google API (cost cutting)
- Aggregate showcase of solar data (e.g. coloring roofs of houses)
had to be set to false due to some Resium issuess (hunch: it could be due to disposing of resium features).
This problem wasn't investigated in depth.
- Technologies research, development, documentation
- Solar research, development, design