Project done by Chiriac Serban-Mihail & Stefan Vlad
In the development of the application, we used Flutter for the frontend, with the help of which we were able to create both a website and a mobile application. For the backend we used firebase.
Doctors can create an account in the app by accessing the "Register as a doctor" button, available on the first page of the application.
Then they should enter information such as: First Name, Last Name, Email, Password, Phone Number, City and a Photo certifying the profession.
Both doctors and patients can log in using the following page:
To create patient accounts, instead, they must receive an invitation from the family doctor. This will contain a dynamic link that will redirect them to the registration page.
Both links will redirect to the registration page
The doctor's profile: information about the doctor, the possibility to send an invitation and edit the profile.
The page for profile editing
List of patients: You can find out information about patients, add a medical record or see one.
Viewing a medical record with a pdf viewer:
Calendar: Here the doctor can see on which days he has appointments, as well as information about them.
Patient profile: information about the patient, as well as the possibility to edit their profile.
Profile edit page:
List of doctors: The patient can see all the doctors and can move to one of them.
Calendar: The patient can choose a day and time to make an appointment with the family doctor.
- The app/website is responsive.
We used a color pallete
The app has an 'identity': name, logo, motto etc.
The mobile application can be used in both portrait and landscape mode.
-romanian part
Echipa formata din Chiriac Serban-Mihail & Stefan Vlad
- Tehnologii folosite
- Inregistrare & Autentificare
- Invitatie pentru user
- Aplicatia medicului
- Aplicaศia pacientului
- Cerinte design
In dezvoltarea aplicatiei am folosit pentru frontend Flutter, cu ajutorul caruia am putut realiza atat un site web, cat si o aplicatie pentru mobil. Pentru backend am folosit firebase.
Medicii isi pot crea un cont in aplicatie accesand butonul "Inregistreaza-te ca medic", disponibil in prima pagina a aplicatiei.
Apoi acestia ar trebui sa introduca informatii precum: Prenume, Nume, Email, Parola, Numar de telefon, Orasul de unde este si o Poza ce certifica profesia.
Atat medicii cat si pacientii se pot autentifica utilizand urmatoarea pagina:
Pentru crearea conturilor de pacienti, in schimb, acestia trebuie sa primeasca o invitatie din partea medicului de familie. Aceasta va contine un link dinamic ce ii va redirectiona catre pagina de inregistrare.
Ambele link-uri vor redirectiona catre pagina de inregistrare
Profilul medicului: informatii despre medic, posibilitatea de a trimite o invitatie si de a-si edita profilul.
Pagina de editare a profilului:
Lista cu pacientii: Poti afla informatii despre pacienti, le poti adauga o fisa medicala sau de a vedea o astfel de fisa.
Vizualizarea unei fise medicale:
Calendar: Aici medicul poate vedea in ce zile are programari, cat si informatii despre acestea.
Profilul pacientului: informatii despre pacient, cat si posibilitatea de a-si edita profilul.
Pagina de editare a profilului:
Lista cu medicii: Pacientul poate vedea medicii din apropriere si se poate muta la unul dintre acestia.
Calendar: Pacientul poate alege o zi si o ora in care sa se programeze la medicul de familie.
- Aplicatia este responsive.
Am folosit o tema de culori รฎn construirea celor aplicatiei
Identitatea aplicaศiei: nume, logo, motto etc.
Aplicatia de pe mobil poate fi folosita atat in mod portret, cat si landscape.