Releases: semachkin/DataStoreX
Releases · semachkin/DataStoreX
RobloxClient v0.2.1
$\text{\color{red}Roblox Client v0.1.1}$
.rbxmx file is a ModuleScript of DataStoreX
Donwload it and require from ServerScript
Enter server port from config.ini to ConnectionConfig attribute _port
Also enter server ip to _ip attribute (192.168.x.x if you use private network etc.)
Enable LoadStringEnabled in ServerScriptService
!! this is not release and there may be bags !!
$\text{\color{Grey}v0.1.1 Release notes}$
Added data serialization
$\text{\color{red}for support contant semachka3000 on Discord}$
Server v0.1.0
$\text{\color{red}Server v0.1.0}$
Its a gcc build of server
Configure config.ini as you need
Port = --- ; port in which the server opens. 1922 by default
LogLevel = --- ; level of logs. INFO, WARN, FAIL or NULL. INFO by default
LogFile = --- ; log file directory. console.log by default
!! this is not release and there may be bags !!