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feat: etherfi claim script
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stevenvaleri committed Feb 17, 2025
1 parent 3a934ff commit f74691e
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Showing 3 changed files with 5,896 additions and 0 deletions.
245 changes: 245 additions & 0 deletions contracts/script/EtherFiS4ClaimScript.s.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity =0.8.24;

import {Script, console} from "forge-std/Script.sol";
import {ERC20} from "solmate/test/utils/mocks/MockERC20.sol";
import "forge-std/console2.sol";

contract EtherFiS4ClaimScript is Script {
address public MAINNET_ADMIN = 0x9D89745fD63Af482ce93a9AdB8B0BbDbb98D3e06;
address public MAINNET_POINT_TOKENIZATION_VAULT = 0xe47F9Dbbfe98d6930562017ee212C1A1Ae45ba61;

address public constant MAINNET_ETHERFI_LRT2_CLAIM = 0x6Db24Ee656843E3fE03eb8762a54D86186bA6B64;
address public constant MAINNET_LRT2 = 0x8F08B70456eb22f6109F57b8fafE862ED28E6040;

address public constant MAINNET_RUMPEL_MODULE = 0x28c3498B4956f4aD8d4549ACA8F66260975D361a;

bytes32 public constant REWARD_ROOT = 0x2643c31ec7b7d9d1e8aa5202453912b1d02fd33c91b2b07c4dc3fc5965e473c5;
bytes32 public constant STAKING_ROOT = 0xb580f88a22e883f6cda41930e0fb565338e3103856221b7affda51cad7a5048d;

// Overrides for wallets who have already claimed king
// Note the amount they've previously claimed and remove it from their staked rewards
uint256 public USER_OVERRIDE_PREV_TRANSFER_1 = 19386471377007458; // wallet = 0xce2f33c58f7aF3338a9D4Bd7baAf6F4a01E1Ea30

uint256 public USER_OVERRIDE_PREV_TRANSFER_2 = 83345865624621196; // wallet = 0xc64A3628278CDe9239786C057528608c4421b86F

struct Vars {
string user;
address userAdd;
uint256 amount;
bytes32 root;
uint256 stakingRewards;
uint256 rewardAmount;
string projectRoot;
string claimPath;
string claims;
string amountPath;
string historicalRewardsPath;
string rootPath;
string proofPath;
uint256 vaultBalanceBefore;
uint256 ownerBalanceBefore;

struct HistoricalReward {
uint256 Amount;
bytes32 AwardDate;
bytes32 Root;

// 1. get all rumpel wallets (users) from the JSON - for each user:
// 2. get that users current root & amount (check current root is expected root). amount = total claimable
// 3. get that users historical reward associated with the last staking reward root. this is the total staking rewards
// 4. get that users proof
// 5. claim from the merkle contract (can come from any contract, so directly from merkle)
// 6. calculate the user's reward amount (^2 - 3)
// 7. override the total staking rewards for user if they've previously claimed
// 8. use the module to execute two transfers from the rumpel wallet
// 8a. transfer reward amount to the point tokenization vault
// 8b. transfer the staking rewards to the rumpel wallet owner
function run() public {
ERC20 lrt2 = ERC20(MAINNET_LRT2);
RumpelModule rumpelModule = RumpelModule(MAINNET_RUMPEL_MODULE);

Vars memory v = Vars("", address(0), 0, "", 0, 0, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0);

v.projectRoot = vm.projectRoot();
v.claimPath = string.concat(v.projectRoot, "/js-scripts/etherFiS4Rewards/KingRewards.json"); = vm.readFile(v.claimPath);
string[] memory users = vm.parseJsonKeys(, ".");

for (uint256 i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
v.user = users[i];
v.userAdd = stringToAddress(v.user);
v.amountPath = string.concat(".", v.user, ".Amount");
v.historicalRewardsPath = string.concat(".", v.user, ".HistoricalRewards");
v.rootPath = string.concat(".", v.user, ".Root");
v.proofPath = string.concat(".", v.user, ".Proofs");

v.stakingRewards = 0;
uint256 j = 0;
if (vm.keyExists(, v.amountPath)) {
if (vm.keyExists(, v.historicalRewardsPath)) {
v.amount = vm.parseJsonUint(, v.amountPath);
v.root = vm.parseJsonBytes32(, v.rootPath);

if (REWARD_ROOT != v.root) {
revert("ERROR: Current Root not expected");

while (true) {
try vm.parseJsonBytes32(, string.concat(v.historicalRewardsPath, "[", vm.toString(j), "].Root")
) {
bytes32 historicalRoot = vm.parseJsonBytes32(, string.concat(v.historicalRewardsPath, "[", vm.toString(j), "].Root")
if (historicalRoot == STAKING_ROOT) {
v.stakingRewards = vm.parseJsonUint(, string.concat(v.historicalRewardsPath, "[", vm.toString(j), "].Amount")
j = j + 1;
} catch {

bytes32[] memory proof = vm.parseJsonBytes32Array(, v.proofPath);
lrt2Claim.claim(v.userAdd, v.amount, v.root, proof);

address[] memory owners = ISafe(v.userAdd).getOwners();
v.rewardAmount = v.amount - v.stakingRewards;
if (v.userAdd == 0xce2f33c58f7aF3338a9D4Bd7baAf6F4a01E1Ea30) {
v.stakingRewards = v.stakingRewards - USER_OVERRIDE_PREV_TRANSFER_1;
console2.log("override staking rewards:");
if (v.userAdd == 0xc64A3628278CDe9239786C057528608c4421b86F) {
v.stakingRewards = v.stakingRewards - USER_OVERRIDE_PREV_TRANSFER_2;
console2.log("override staking rewards:");

v.vaultBalanceBefore = lrt2.balanceOf(MAINNET_POINT_TOKENIZATION_VAULT);
v.ownerBalanceBefore = lrt2.balanceOf(owners[0]);

RumpelModule.Call[] memory transferCalls = new RumpelModule.Call[](2);
transferCalls[0] = RumpelModule.Call({
safe: ISafe(v.userAdd),
data: abi.encodeWithSelector(ERC20.transfer.selector, MAINNET_POINT_TOKENIZATION_VAULT, v.rewardAmount),
operation: Enum.Operation.Call
transferCalls[1] = RumpelModule.Call({
safe: ISafe(v.userAdd),
data: abi.encodeWithSelector(ERC20.transfer.selector, owners[0], v.stakingRewards),
operation: Enum.Operation.Call

console2.log(v.amount, " - total claim");
console2.log(v.rewardAmount + v.stakingRewards);
console2.log(v.rewardAmount, " - reward amount");
console2.log(v.stakingRewards, " - staking rewards");
console2.log(lrt2.balanceOf(MAINNET_POINT_TOKENIZATION_VAULT), " - vault balance");
console2.log(lrt2.balanceOf(owners[0]), " - owner balance");
console2.log(lrt2.balanceOf(v.userAdd), " - wallet balance");

require(lrt2.balanceOf(v.userAdd) == 0, "ERROR: Rumpel Wallet ending king balance != 0");
lrt2.balanceOf(MAINNET_POINT_TOKENIZATION_VAULT) - v.vaultBalanceBefore == v.rewardAmount,
"ERROR: Token Vault Delta is Wrong"
lrt2.balanceOf(owners[0]) - v.ownerBalanceBefore == v.stakingRewards, "ERROR: Owner Delta is Wrong"

function stringToAddress(string memory _address) internal pure returns (address) {
// Remove "0x" prefix if present
bytes memory _addressBytes = bytes(_address);
if (
_addressBytes.length >= 2 && _addressBytes[0] == "0" && (_addressBytes[1] == "x" || _addressBytes[1] == "X")
) {
string memory _cleanAddress = new string(_addressBytes.length - 2);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _addressBytes.length - 2; i++) {
bytes(_cleanAddress)[i] = _addressBytes[i + 2];
_address = _cleanAddress;

// Check if the string length is correct (40 characters for address without 0x)
require(bytes(_address).length == 40, "Invalid address length");

// Convert string to bytes
bytes memory _hexBytes = bytes(_address);
uint160 _parsedAddress = 0;

// Convert each character to its hex value
for (uint256 i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
bytes1 char = _hexBytes[i];
uint8 digit;

if (uint8(char) >= 48 && uint8(char) <= 57) {
// 0-9
digit = uint8(char) - 48;
} else if (uint8(char) >= 65 && uint8(char) <= 70) {
// A-F
digit = uint8(char) - 55;
} else if (uint8(char) >= 97 && uint8(char) <= 102) {
// a-f
digit = uint8(char) - 87;
} else {
revert("Invalid character in address string");

_parsedAddress = _parsedAddress * 16 + digit;

return address(_parsedAddress);

interface ILRT2Claim {
function claim(
address account,
uint256 cumulativeAmount,
bytes32 expectedMerkleRoot,
bytes32[] calldata merkleProof
) external;

interface RumpelModule {
struct Call {
ISafe safe;
address to;
bytes data;
Enum.Operation operation;

function exec(Call[] calldata calls) external;

interface ISafe {
function getOwners() external view returns (address[] memory);

library Enum {
enum Operation {
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions foundry.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ fs_permissions = [{ access = "read", path = "./js-scripts/generateRedemptionRigh
{ access = "read", path = "js-scripts/generateRedemptionRights/out/merged-distribution-07Jan25.json" },
{ access = "read", path = "js-scripts/generateRedemptionRights/out/merged-distribution-06Feb25.json" },
{ access = "read", path = "./js-scripts/generateRedemptionRights/out/ptoken-snapshot-kpsats.json" },
{ access = "read", path = "js-scripts/etherFiS4Rewards/KingRewards.json" },
{ access = "read", path = "./out/PointTokenVault.sol/PointTokenVault.json" }]
optimize = true
optimizer_runs = 100
Expand Down

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