Dockerfile for extending official Debian image with useful tools, e.g. Git, Wget, etc. The Image is a good starting point to create your own small images with some handy tools. See Docker Hub for more details about the image.
- ca-certificates: Brings root certs for trusting secured connections with common CAs.
- cron: Use Cron jobs for scheduling tasks like cleanup processes.
- curl: Swiss army knife to use various number of protocols.
- git: THE version control system.
- nano: Easy editor for modifying files.
- openssh-server: For connecting to the container via SSH and executing commands within.
- rsync: Use it for copying files from server A to server B.
- ssmtp: Tiny mail server for sending mails from your application to the world.
- supervisor: Helper for running multiple processes in a container, e.g. cron and openssh-server.
- unzip: Unpack ZIP archives.
- vim: Powerful editor for nerds.
- wget: The standard for downloading archives.
Mount your public key into the container and define the path with
environment variable SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEYS
. Example:
docker run -d -P -v ~/.ssh/ -e "SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEYS=/authorized_keys" servivum/debian
sSMTP is like a proxy which delegates the mails to a real MTA like postfix. With these environment variables it is possible to define a relay server with the corresponding credentials.
docker run -d -P \
-e "" \
-e "" \
-e "SMTP_AUTH_PASS=secret" \
-e "SMTP_STARTTLS=true" \