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Extensible Composable Storefront with React-based Page Designer

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Extensible Composable Storefront React Page Designer

Project extracted from composable-storefront-pocs

This project implements Page Designer for Composable Storefront using a react-only component approach. It is a standalone version of the solution in the above repository with isolated setup instructions. See that repository for additional features and automated setup scripts. This version includes the minimal necessary setup for the solution as an extensible composable storefront override.

How It Works

This solutions runs your composable storefront (pwa-kit) application from within B2C Page Designer. This differs from the out of the box page designer solution which relies on using traditional ISML (i.e. SFRA) copies of your PD components for rendering in page designer. In this way we can have high-fidelity preview from within the page designer application and can utilize the preview (customer group, date/time, source code) preview functions.

  • Services are installed on the B2C instance to provide private client SLAS and SCAPI proxy support.
  • A cartridge (app_q_pwa_support) includes a number of example page designer components, example custom editors, and a "harness" script (cartridges/app_q_pwa_support/cartridge/client/default/js/harness.js) that imports pwa-kit
  • The harness.js script is loaded by the page designer page headlessPage.isml and initializes the pwa-kit application with a configuration based on the current site and service configuration
  • Before loading the application the private SLAS client is used to pre-fetch a JWT to be used by pwa-kit. Additionally shopper-context is set for this USID to match the current preview context of page designer. In this way pwa-kit is loaded and executes under the same context as the page designer preview without the need for reloading.
  • Finally, the page container (pageDesignerPageContainer.js) loaded by the harness will ensure that the pwa-kit application is loaded with the correct page designer page by intercepting requests to the shopper-experience API if it matches the page being edited. This allows us to preview even unpublished pages which are not supported by the API natively.


You can clone this repository or copy the necessary requirements from it. In the instructions below we mention the changes required to your existing project to support this solution. These changes are already included in this repository.

Feature Toggles

  1. Ensure your instance has the Enable Shopper Context feature toggle enabled.

SLAS Setup

Using the SLAS Admin UI or API create or update a private SLAS client. NOTE: You can use the same client you already use for MRT storefront preview purposes, although we require additional scopes.

  1. Configure your pwa-kit public client as normal
  2. Configure/create your SLAS Private Client with the following scopes.
    • sfcc.shopper-categories
    • sfcc.shopper-customers.register
    • sfcc.shopper-customers.login
    • sfcc.shopper-myaccount
    • sfcc.shopper-myaccount.addresses
    • sfcc.shopper-myaccount.baskets
    • sfcc.shopper-myaccount.orders
    • sfcc.shopper-myaccount.paymentinstruments
    • sfcc.shopper-myaccount.productlists
    • sfcc.shopper-productlists
    • sfcc.shopper-promotions
    • sfcc.shopper-gift-certificates
    • sfcc.shopper-product-search
    • sfcc.shopper-baskets-orders
    • sfcc.shopper-experience
    • sfcc.shopper-products
    • sfcc.session_bridge
    • sfcc.ts_ext_on_behalf_of


  1. 2 B2C services (and their respective credentials and profile) are required. Import the metadata folder via site import/export or import the metadata/services.xml directly
  2. Configure the scapi.slas.private service credential
    • URL:
      • Replace SHORT_CODE with your SCAPI Short Code (e.g.: kv7kzm78)
      • Replace ORG_ID with your SCAPI Organization ID (e.g.: f_ecom_zzte_053)
      • Example:
    • User: Your private SLAS client ID created above
    • Password: Your private SLAS client secret created above
  3. Configure the scapi.shopper service credential
    • URL:
      • Replace SHORT_CODE with your SCAPI Short Code (e.g.: kv7kzm78)
      • Example:

pwa-kit Setup

  1. Copy the following files/folders to your project overrides (or app/ for non-extensible projects) folder.
    • overrides/app/components/banner
    • overrides/app/components/product-tile-dynamic
    • overrides/app/components/page-designer
    • overrides/app/pages/page
    • overrides/app/routes.jsx
      • This implements the '/page/:pageId route. You can add this to your existing routes
  2. Add the additional dependencies to your package.json (Note: these are used for the custom editors and example components)
        "@salesforce/design-system-react": "^0.10.58",
        "@codemirror/commands": "^6.1.2",
        "@codemirror/lang-html": "^6.1.1",
        "@codemirror/lang-javascript": "^6.1.1",
        "@codemirror/lang-json": "^6.0.1",
        "@codemirror/state": "^6.1.4",
        "@codemirror/view": "^6.5.1",
        "@uiw/react-codemirror": "^4.19.7",
        "codemirror": "^6.0.1",
        "htm": "^3.1.1",
        "mini-css-extract-plugin": "^2.7.2",
        "react-jsx-parser": "^1.29.0",
        "style-loader": "^3.3.1",
  3. Add npm overrides to your package.json (this fixes an issue with the @salesforce/design-system-react package)
    "overrides": {
        "@salesforce-ux/design-system": "2.22.2"
  4. Install the project dependencies
    npm install
  5. Ensure the project builds
    npm run build

Cartridge Setup

  1. Copy the cartridges/app_q_pwa_support cartridge to your projectA (Note: you can change the name of this cartridge)
  2. Copy the webpack.harness.config.js to your project root
  3. Add the following run scripts to your package.json scripts keys
    "build:harness": "HMR=false webpack-cli --config webpack.harness.config.js",
    "watch:harness": "HMR=false webpack-cli --config webpack.harness.config.js --watch"
  4. Run the build script
    npm run build:harness
  5. Upload/deploy the cartridge to your B2C instance
  6. Add the cartridge to your Site cartridge path
    • for example: app_q_pwa_support:app_storefront_base
  7. Add app_q_pwa_support to your Business Manager cartridge path (this is for the page designer support and custom PD editors)
  8. On your B2C instance create a Headless Page inside page designer. If everything works correctly you should see the pwa-kit application loaded inside the page designer preview window. You can click preview to browse the site as a customer would.


Adding New Page Designer Components

  1. Create the component metadata file as normal with your component fields (i.e. app_q_pwa_support/cartridge/experience/components/headless/banner.json)
    • You can optionally make use of the custom editors provided for container style and Chakra theme overrides. See the __containerStyles and themeOverrides attributes in the example components provides. If present the solution will automatically provide this functionality through higher order components.
  2. Create a component script as normal. See the example app_q_pwa_support/cartridge/experience/components/headless/banner.js
    • Note that we do NOT need a unique isml file for each component. Use experience/components/headlessComponent instead
    • Note also the use of a serialization helper for links and images:
      module.exports.serialize = headlessComponentHelper.serializeHelper()
  3. Create your react frontend for the component. See the example overrides/app/components/page-designer/headless/banner.js as an example
  4. Add your component type ID to the allowed list for headlessPage: ./cartridges/app_q_pwa_support/cartridge/experience/pages/headlessPage.json
  5. Finally, register your component type ID to it's corresponding react component in the overrides/app/components/page-designer/support.js file under the COMPONENTS constant
  6. Rebuild the harness and upload the cartridge to your B2C instance
    • Note: you can use the npm run watch:harness script to watch for changes and rebuild automatically just like npm start is used for pwa-kit


  • There are some differences between the data used in page designer and in the experience API. Namely, image type attributes contain a path in PD and a url in experience. For this it's recommended to use the disBaseLink custom attribute instead.


Licensed under the current NDA and licensing agreement in place with your organization. (This is explicitly not open source licensing.) This solution is based on code available at using the BSD 3-clause license.


This project should not be treated as Salesforce Product. It is an example implementation of composable storefront and related tools. Customers and partners implement this at-will with no expectation of roadmap, technical support, defect resolution, production-style SLAs.

This project is maintained by the Salesforce Community. Salesforce Commerce Cloud or Salesforce Platform Technical Support do not support this project or its setup.


For feature requests or bugs, please open a GitHub issue.


Extensible Composable Storefront with React-based Page Designer



