OSRS Boss Finder is an intuitive application dedicated to enhancing the gaming experience for players of Old School RuneScape (OSRS). This digital companion provides an organized way for users to discover and track bosses within the game, with rich insights.
- Frontend: ReactJS
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js
- Database: PostgreSQL (RDS)
- Hosting: AWS (S3, RDS, Elastic Beanstalk)
- State Management: React Context API
- Routing: React Router with Protected Routes
- Styling: Styled Components
- API Calls: Axios to interact with custom Backend API
This application is built using the PERN stack and fully hosted on AWS, ensuring a scalable and reliable infrastructure. Leveraging the power of cloud services, OSRS Boss Finder delivers seamless user experiences with optimized load times and security.
- Protected Routes: Ensures that only authenticated users can access certain parts of the application.
- Dynamic Data Presentation: Real-time boss data display with various filtering and search functionalities.
- Responsive Design: A user-friendly interface that adapts to various screen sizes and devices.
- Error Handling: Robust error management for an uninterrupted user experience.
- State Logic: Conditional rendering and state management for dynamic content presentation.
Experience the full functionality of OSRS Boss Finder with our live demo hosted on AWS:
URL: OSRS Boss Finder Live Demo
Test Credentials:
Username: sshah
Password: test123
Please note that the test account has limited permissions for demonstration purposes.
Feel free to explore the features and get a real feel of our application.