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A simple Python implementation of genetic model algorithm


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A Genetic-Model library in Python 3.x.

This library is based on the original Charles library in Scala.

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin, 1809-1882

Some reading and examples:


Clone this repository to your local machine and run pip:

pip install git+


Quick start:

from pycharles import Model
model = Model(population, all_values, strength_function, offspring_function)
solution = model.get_best()

Basic parameters:

  • population: The population which needs to evolve. Each subject (or element) in the population is represented as a sequence of values
  • all_values: All the possible values (genes) allowed in each subject of the population. This can either be a list, in which case all values are drawn from the same pool, or a dict, where the keys are integers representing the indices of the values of the subject, and the values are lists representing the unique pools for each index.
  • strength_function: A function that accepts a subject of the population and determines its strength, in the range of [0, inf], the higher the strength is, the closer the subject is to the desired state

More configurations:

  • offspring_function: Can be either a string or a function that accepts two subjects (parents) and outputs two subjects (offspring). If a string, must be either 'slice_and_stitch' or 'parents_similarity'. This will use the functions with the same name which are found in the offspring_functions module (see below).
    If the supplied value is a function, It must be af unctions that accepts only two subjects and returns a tuple of two subjects. Default: 'slice_and_stitch'
  • elitism_ratio: Must be in the range of [0,1]. Determines the percentage of elitists in each iteration. Elitists are the strongest subject in their generation, and therefore survive and advance untouched to the next generation. Default value: 0.1
  • mutations_odds: Must be in the range of [0,1]. Determines the probability for mutation of the subjects in each generation. A mutation is a single binary bit in the subject's genes being randomly flipped. Default value: 0.001
  • generations: Must be a positive integer. The number of iterations the model should run through before stopping. Default value: 10
  • early_stop: Must be a positive integer or None (0 is the same as None). When not None, The model will stop if a better solution was not found after the amount of generations specified. Default: None
  • duplication_policy: The policy of the model regarding duplicates in the population at the end of each generation. Options are: (1) ignore, ignore the duplications, (2) kill, leave only one copy of each duplicated value. This shrinks the size of the population, (3) replace, similar to kill, only the model will let the population breed again in order to fill the missing values. If any duplications occur after this process, the model will repeat this process until all values are unique or up to 3 attempts, after which the model will ignore duplications and proceed. To change the maximum attempts the model will make to replace duplications, use replace:X, where X is the desired number. Default: ignore
  • mutate_elitists: Boolean. Set if elitists can mutate when transferring from one generation to the next one. When False, this ensures that the top solutions will be remain unchanged. When True, this allows the model to explore more solutions. Default: False
  • seed: A seed to be supplied to the model's pseudo-random number generator. Default value: system time (int(time.time()))
  • verbose: Boolean. Set verbosity level. Default: False

Offspring functions:

The offspring_functions module contains two basics offspring functions which create two new subjects out of two existing subjects. Both functions use the all_values parameter required by the model to convert the subjects to binary encoding. They then apply some logic on the binary sequence, and then decode it back to the newly created subjects.

Each function also has an extension with the _func prefix, which takes only all_values parameter and return a partial function of the function itself. These extensions are the ones used by the model.

  • slice_and_stitch: This function chooses a location along the binary sequences, slices both sequences at that location and replaces the second halves. For example, if the two subjects are 000000 and 111111 are being slices in the middle, the result will ve 000111 and 111000.
  • parents_similarity: This function creates two new subjects by comparing the bits of the binary sequences of the provided subjects (the parents). If both parents have the same bit in a certain location, the offspring have a very high probability of having the same bit too in that location. If the parents' bits are opposite, than the offspring's bits are chosen randomly. For example, say the parents are s1 = 11000 and s2 = 11101, then with high probability the offspring will be s1_new = 11100 and s2_new = 11001 (the middle and last digit are randomly chosen)


Examples are found in the project's test directory, in the examples module.

Reach 42:

Each subject in the population is a mathematical equation, made of four integers from 0 to 9 and three operators from [+,-,*,/]. Each subject is represented as sequence of single-character strings of either a digit or an operator. The model's objective is to find a set of digits and characters which will yield 42. The Strength Function is defined as the absolute value of the result of 1/(x-42).

Related blogposts:

Read about a comparison I performed between genetic models and random sampling using this library on "Are Genetic Models Better Than Random Sampling?"


Apache License 2.0


A simple Python implementation of genetic model algorithm








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