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Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Ueliton Alves Dos Santos Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

TWM(Titans War Macro)

Macro scripts for on all servers

Level 16+ and 50 training points required to enter some battles

Instructions for iPhone and Android 7, or higher


1️⃣ On your iPhone, open the iSH app (

Then type, or copy and paste to update the package lists

Iphone  iSH

apk update

• On Android, open the Termux app (

Then type or paste the commands below to update the packages.

  • Questions may arise.
  • For two options (Y/n) answer Y
  • For multiple options (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) just press ENTER to proceed.

Android  Termux

pkg update -y ; pkg upgrade

2️⃣ Type or copy and paste this command to download the required packages

Iphone  iSH 👇

apk add curl ; apk add w3m ; apk add procps ; apk add coreutils ; apk add --no-cache tzdata

Android  Termux 👇

pkg install w3m termux-api procps coreutils ncurses-utils 

3️⃣ Copy and paste this command to download the twm installer (The link is part of the command)

Iphone  iSH | Android  Termux

curl -L -O

4️⃣ Give the installer execute permission

Iphone  iSH | Android  Termux

chmod +x

5️⃣ Copy and paste this command to install twm

Iphone  iSH | Android  Termux


6️⃣ To run twm

Iphone  iSH | Android  Termux


• Run in cave mode

Iphone  iSH | Android  Termux

./twmu -cv

• Coliseum priority mode

Iphone  iSH | Android  Termux

./twmu -cl
  • To interrupt Ctrl c or force stop the Apps.

  • To uninstall scripts on both systems:

rm -rf $HOME/twm-master
  • Remove Termux boot shortcut on Android:
rm -rf $HOME/.termux/boot/

Alt Linux distribution, or Debian and Ubuntu base - Windows WSL

1 - In the terminal emulator type, or copy and paste to update the package lists:

sudo apt-get update -y

2 - Type or copy and paste this command to download the required packages:

sudo apt-get install curl w3m procps -y


sudo apt-get install coreutils dnsutils-y

3 - Copy and paste this command to download the twm installer (The link is part of the command):

curl -L -O

4 - Give execute permission to the installer:

chmod +x

5 - Copy and paste this command to install twm:


6 - Command to run twm:

bash twmu

• Run in cave mode:

bash twmu -cv

• Colosseum Priority Mode:

bash twmu -cl

Para interroper (CTRL c)

Windows com Cygwin

1 - Open the program Cygwin( or ( as an administrator in Windows. During installation, select any link, then just click Next until finished. Then, as an administrator, open the Cygwin Terminal that was installed. Type, or copy and paste the command below to download the twm installer (The link is part of the command):

curl -L -O

2 - Give execute permission to the installer:

chmod +x

3 - Copy and paste this command to install twm:

bash $HOME/

4 - To run twm:

bash twmu

• Run in cave mode:

bash twmu -cv

• Colosseum Priority Mode:

bash twmu -cl

To interrupt (CTRL c) or close the Cygwin program

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