Application to run on a raspberry pi that reads GrovePi sensor data and pushes it to a forwarding server located in the cloud via websockets.
Requires a GrovePi board in addition to a raspberry pi.
Currently this app supports reading from the GrovePi Temperature and Humidity Sensor and the Grove Ultrasonic Ranger.
Connect to wifi. If on GE Network, use Internet. The keyboard may be in UK setup. If so, the @ key will be accessible by using the key where the " is located on the US layout.
- Attach GrovePi board onto raspberry pi
- Attach Temperature and Humidity Sensor into Digital Port 4 of the GrovePi board
- Attach Ultrasonic Sensor into Digital Port 3 of the GrovePi board
git clone
cd GrovePi/Script
chmod +x
sudo bash ./
git clone
cd predix-demos-edge-sensors
npm install
node app.js
Note: if npm is not already installed on the pi, run the following commands:
curl -sL | sudo -E bash
sudo apt-get install nodejs
Open app.js
- Line 11: Set PI_IDENTIFIER to the asset's name. This asset must be represented in the dashboard's hierarchy.
- Line 23: Set the endpoint to point to the right asset hierarchy. E.g. change "west/arlington" to "texas/abilene"
- Line 41: Same as line 23
Open your pi's bash profile:
nano ~/.bashrc
Paste the following line at the end of the bash profile:
bash /home/pi/predix-demos-edge-sensors/