The CircleCI contiguous
integration service tracks the current build status for the master branch:
- Thomas Heller, Bryce Adelstein Lelbach, Kevin A Huck, John Biddiscombe, Patricia Grubel, Alice E Koniges, Matthias Kretz, Dominic Marcello, David Pfander, Adrian Serio, Juhan Frank, Geoffrey C Clayton, Dirk Pflüger, David Eder, Hartmut Kaiser. “Harnessing Billions of Tasks for a Scalable Portable Hydrodynamic Simulation of the Merger of Two Stars.” The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, Feb. 2019 Link
- David Pfander, Gregor Daiß, Dominic Marcello, Hartmut Kaiser, Dirk Pflüger, “Accelerating Octo-Tiger: Stellar Mergers on Intel Knights Landing with HPX”, DHPCC++ Conference 2018 hosted by IWOCL, St Catherine’s College, Oxford, May 14, 2018 Link